Secrets Cache Lambda Extension

This extension demonstrates how to host an HTTP server which cache secrets required for the lambda function. The extension does the following:

  • Hosts a local HTTP server, which will be invoked by lambda function to retrieve the secret instead of directly going to AWS Secret manager
  • The extension using config.yaml file inside the Lambda to get the list of secrets that needs to get cached in memory
  • Secrets cache is refreshed based on the value (in minutes) set in the environment variable "CACHE_TIMEOUT". If no value is specified its defaulted to 10

Note: This extension requires the Node.js 12 runtime to be present in the Lambda execution environment of your function.


Here is the high level view of all the components


Initializing extension and reading secrets from the cache

Below sequence diagram explains the initialization of lambda extension and how lambda function reads cached secrets using HTTP server hosted inside the extension init


  • NodeJS runtime should be installed in the local system, for more information click here
  • Zip utility needs to be installed in the local system
  • AWS CLI needs to be installed in the local system, for more information click here


Secrets manager

  • Create a new secret using the following command

Note: This command assumes you've placed your secret, such as this example JSON text structure {"username":"anika","password":"aDM4N3*!8TT"}, in a file named mycreds.json.

aws secretsmanager create-secret --name secret_now --secret-string file://mycreds.json

Lambda function

  • Create a new NodeJS runtime Lambda function with the name "Secrets-Extension-Lambda-Test"
  • After successfully creation of Lambda, attach "SecretsManagerReadWrite" policy to the IAM role associated with the Lambda function
  • Replace the code inside "index.js" with the following

Note: Sample of the below code can be found in "example-function/index.js" under the code repo

exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {

    const https = require('http')
    const options = {
        hostname: 'localhost',
        port: 8080,
        path: '/cache/secret_now',
        method: 'GET'

    const req = https.request(options, res => {
        res.on('data', d => {
            console.log("Response from cache: "+d);
            return d;

    req.on('error', error => {


Note: The code invokes the local HTTP server hosted inside lambda extension to read the secret's value instead of directly going to AWS Secret's manager

  • Create a new file named "config.yaml" under the root directory with the following contents:

Note: Sample of the below yaml file can be found in "example-function/config.yaml" under the code repo. "secret_now" is the name of the secret we have created in the previous step, and we want to be cached by the extension. If you want more secrets to be cached you can keep adding them here

 – secrets:
    – secret_now
  • Click on "Deploy" button to deploy the latest changes
  • Create a new environment variable "CACHE_TIMEOUT" and set the value in minutes based on which the cache will be refreshed

Note: If the environment value not found, then cache gets refreshed every 10 minutes

  • Increase the memory of Lambda to 1200 MB & Timeout to 30 seconds

Deploy extension

  • Run the following command to deploy the extension and associate the layer to the Lambda function
> chmod +x
> ./

Invoke Lambda function

You can invoke the Lambda function using the following CLI command

aws lambda invoke \
 --function-name "Secrets-Extension-Lambda-Test" \
 --payload '{"payload": "hello"}' /tmp/invoke-result \
 --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
 --log-type Tail

The function should return "StatusCode": 200.

View logs

Browse to the Amazon CloudWatch Console. Navigate to Logs\Log Groups. Select the log group /aws/lambda/Secrets-Extension-Lambda-Test.

View the log stream to see the runtime log with pattern "Response from cache" followed by username and password stored in mycred.json