
This repo is for setting up AWS EKS demo cluster using Terraform base modules and helm

Primary LanguageHCL

Overview: This repo is for setting up AWS EKS demo cluster using Terraform base modules and helm

!! Note :

1. In this EKS Setup Control Plane is managed by AWS and Worker Nodes managed by User.

2. VPC and Subnets are created automatically as part of this implementation.

3. Make sure to install following cli tools upfront.


EKS Cluster Creation

1. Make sure to update terraform/local.tf values as per your environment, Below are few important items to be updated.

Update the user mapping in helm/aws-auth/values.yaml

  enabled: true
  name: aws-auth
  mapAccounts: |
    - "<aws-account-no>"
  mapRoles: |
    - "groups":
      - "system:bootstrappers"
      - "system:nodes"
      "rolearn": "arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-no>:role/<aws-iam-role>"
      "username": "system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}"
  mapUsers: |
    - "groups":
      - "system:masters"
      "userarn": "arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-no>:user/<iam-user1>"
      "username": "<iam-user1>"
    - "groups":
      - "system:masters"
      "userarn": "arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-no>:user/<iam-user-2>"
      "username": "<iam-user-2>"

2. Make sure to update terraform/backend.tf values as per your environment

3. Run terraform init as it will create a new backend

4. Run terraform plan to see the changes

5. Run terraform apply to apply the changes

6. Once the EKS cluster is created, run below command to create kubeconfig file

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <eks-cluster-name> --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config --region <aws-region>

7. Test the EKS cluster access by running below command

kubectl get namespaces

Join EKS Worker Nodes to EKS Cluster

1. Run below commands to join worker nodes to EKS cluster

cd helm/
helm install -f values.yaml aws-auth ./aws-auth

2. Run below command to see the worker nodes joined to EKS cluster

kubectl get nodes