
Repo for Django

Primary LanguagePython

Steps for initiliazing a Django app

  1. Test if Django is installed python -m django --version
  2. Create a Django project django-admin startproject myapp The above step creates the root myapp directory that behaves as a project container, the subdirectory myapp (initialized as python package) and the manage.py module
  3. Verification: change to outer myapp directory and run python manage.py runserver. To verify the Django project works, go to (the default localhost) on the web browser. Alternatively, the ip address and port can be specified using python manage.py runserver
  4. Create an (one or more) app inside the project to import as a top-level module by changing to the outer myapp directory and running python manage.py startapp newapp. This will create a newapp dirctory (initialized as a python package) with all relevant files to get started.
  5. Create all necessary database tables (based on INSTALLED_APPS) by running python manage.py migrate
  6. After defining all models for newapp in newapp.models.py, run python manage.py makemigrations newapp to create/change database models. To see the SQL commands executed by the migrate command, run python manage.py sqlmigrate poll xxx

Steps to follow to add app URLs to a Django project

  1. Create views (class-based or function-based) in newapp/views.py
  2. Add url patterns to newapp/urls.py using path('url_path', view_function, name='url_pattern_name'). This will be newapp's URLConf.
  3. Add newapp URLConf to myapp/urls.py using path and include to include urls as URLConfs: path('url_path', include('newapp.urls'))

To add an app to a Django project

  • In myapp/settings.py add 'newapp.apps.NewappConfig' to list INSTALLED_APPS

Add Jinja2 templating engine to Django (in addition to Django templating engine)

  • Add a dictionary to app/settings.py in TEMPLATES list for enabling access to jinja templating engine from django
    from pathlib import Path
    BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
    PROJECT_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
    TEMPLATES = [{'BACKEND':'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2',
                    'DIRS': [ PROJECT_DIR / 'jinjatemplates' ],
                  'APP_DIRS': True,