
wip - we are building this out now in prep for the real course

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Course Plan


Video / Lesson Title Recorded Section Description Video URI
Hype Trailer x https://youtu.be/A0wabjmYRZ0
Trailer x Trailer https://youtu.be/5PB9UDOIuGk
Introduction to the Course x Introduction https://youtu.be/w0R1fE3qU5c
Prequisites x Introduction What you need to know or have to get the most out of this course https://youtu.be/KrEtdI2KIRc
Join the community x Introduction We have a community where we can ask questions, and give/receive help https://youtu.be/Hp8_-YF_lEw
Setting up Rust x Setting Up We're installing rust and some nice Cargo packages https://youtu.be/o0se4Erg_g0
Installing Wasm Bindgen CLI x Setting Up Wasm Bindgen CLI is required to run Trunk without errors https://youtu.be/1rXiwVmw0kk
Hello World in Rust x First Steps Our first Rust program https://youtu.be/NQ5q7LgpzMQ
Hello World in Yew.rs x First Steps Now that we have a working Rust program, let's create our first Yew.rs program https://youtu.be/uFUpC8yj6TQ
A better Hello World architecture x First Steps Having everything in main.rs isn't ideal, let's set up a basic architecture that will work with us https://youtu.be/k-gVqe3HgwY
Logging to the Console x First Steps Logging to the console is one of the best ways to debug in browsers https://youtu.be/NFOBWILWb1o
HTML in Rust x html https://youtu.be/NeClBLl6uYk
HTML Conditionals x html https://youtu.be/sBXnesJGiHM
HTML Loops x html https://youtu.be/VmZLpP0jUGc
Introduction to stylist x styling We will be using a crate called stylist to apply css to our components https://youtu.be/IQS6tWQWeYY
Inline styles x styling The first and simplest of adding styles is to directly style the html https://youtu.be/qj_mBAcaSaE
Separate CSS file x styling We don't have to give up our editors helping with with css, we can use a separate css file! https://youtu.be/RosdwpfOZU4
Passing properties into components x properties Components that can't receive data are boring https://youtu.be/ure8M6FO-PA
enum properties x properties Sometimes we want more advanced properties https://youtu.be/Gv7N468f-WE
Callbacks x properties We use callbacks so that we can communicate up to parent components https://youtu.be/4yOf0_5r_wg
creating a form x handling events and hooks We'll be creating a form so that we can explore handling DOM events https://youtu.be/Y37wK1lMZws
handling text field events x handling events and hooks Let's add a event handler to the text field https://youtu.be/BRlt_hrHUfE
use state x handling events and hooks React style hooks exist in Yew.rs! this maens we can set and use state in functional components! https://youtu.be/LtZWzP4XVxs
multiple states x handling events and hooks https://youtu.be/0lspzbYC1Zw
one complicated state x handling events and hooks https://youtu.be/cdsHbA-mY5s
Simplifying Complicated State Updates x handling events and hooks https://youtu.be/R3Bdpb9z43Y
handling form submit events x handling events and hooks It can be nice to handle form submit events rather than just a click listener on buttons https://youtu.be/2JNw-ftN6js
Use Context Hook x handling events and hooks access context state without needing prop drill many levels down https://youtu.be/4XP8ZSgqqLI
Use Effect Hook x handling events and hooks use effect allows us to hook into the event lifecycle and run code on first launch, every refresh, and shut down. https://youtu.be/xdzmMiT6K5E
Setting up Yew Router x router We can set up a frontend router so that we don't have to touch the server when navigating pages https://youtu.be/ijogSYDzwiE
Linking to Pages x router https://youtu.be/twl8rl_m2pE
Programatic Linking to Pages x router https://youtu.be/kEbfqmfbC_w
Struct Components x struct components Struct components are similar to Class-based components in React or Vue.js https://youtu.be/eG6eKNh2YdI
styling struct componets x struct components Styling is pretty much the same, the only real difference is where to store the stylesheet https://youtu.be/KC7HCxr6OCE
struct properties x struct components The props are stored in the context object https://youtu.be/qIIWv9oB_hU
struct lifecycle methods x struct components These methods are available on the impl of the component struct https://youtu.be/HKAM6p34aIA
struct messages x struct components Saving state in a struct component uses message passing https://youtu.be/skvKGK9wzsg
Setting up Yewdux x stores Yewdux is very similar to Redux for state management https://youtu.be/-aHUoxHShS8
Using Yewdux to Store Form Data x stores We want to create a form and save it's data to the Yewdux store https://youtu.be/cfxiv37bgxQ
Yewdux Functional x stores https://youtu.be/mn3tRwXr22g
Persistent State x stores To handle staying logged in between page refreshes we can store our internal state, or at least the user information to local storage https://youtu.be/rL7W_Jw5beo
Installing Docker x Setting Up A server and database has been created to help us focus on front end dev, we can use Docker to set that up easily https://youtu.be/Lg0R5q0S7QY
Starting the Todo Server x Setting Up A crash course on using Docker and Docker-Dompose https://youtu.be/RyOAa7KIyd4
HTTP GET Requests x http Websites are boring unless we can get data from other locations https://youtu.be/P6p5Qzxva1s
HTTP post requests x http We want to be able to create things in the database, this is usually done with a post request https://youtu.be/2uvZDZoR_1c
Other HTTP requests x http Updating resources uses either put or patch https://youtu.be/Fo8wRW4Cjtk
Dynamically Setting the API_URI x http We want to have one API URI for dev, and one for production https://youtu.be/p07ALGFIWjo
Set Timeout x Miscellaneous Being able to run arbitrary code after a short delay is great for having animations run https://youtu.be/yAFOgUQ9ChU
Introducing the Project x Introducing the Project Getting the backend up and running and exploring the API https://youtu.be/Y_51NHzr4Pk
Project Solution Live Code - 1 x Live coding the project uploaded
Project Solution Live Code - 2 x Live coding the project uploaded
Project Solution Live Code - 3 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/1J6U5m_ZB1w
Project Solution Live Code - 4 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/w6q6anvdisc
Project Solution Live Code - 5 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/RZQOnLMac24
Project Solution Live Code - 6 x Live coding the project uploaded
Project Solution Live Code - 7 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/bNT90-GRjPc
Project Solution Live Code - 8 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/_du6EBaGh5s
Project Solution Live Code - 9 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/bUn3Dvvi9Lk
Project Solution Live Code - 10 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/SHu2qSo0eEI
Edit Text Input: Solution Live Code - 11 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/eXsfThJ3ubI
Editing Task Description: Solution Live Code - 12 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/cx9yVyQ-DJo
Editing Task Priority: Solution Live Code - 13 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/rgo25StmDoA
Editing Task Completed: Solution Live Code - 14 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/XquRqHv9qjo
Editing Task Save: Solution Live Code - 15 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/UOyB7cylfMg
Fixing Text Inputs: Solution Live Code - 16 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/qjDd6Gs-M_g
Fixing Textarea: Solution Live Code - 17 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/dINYVnoMbI8
Fixing Completed Checkbox: Solution Live Code - 18 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/XNY8zg6S2F8
Load Tasks on Refresh: Solution Live Code - 19 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/HA_XO8z349I
Updating Tasks: Solution Live Code - 20 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/zqXgsLHMkMg
Sucessfully Updating Tasks: Solution Live Code - 21 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/F7QIS_dgTQc
Updating the Task in Yedux: Solution Live Code - 22 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/CspsMzHyPJg
Deleting the Task: Solution Live Code - 23 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/0SptFxxyJYM
Cancelling Editing: Solution Live Code - 24 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/aQ3jWNX7gCg
Creating a New Task: Solution Live Code - 25 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/2MfPTwHi27g
Displaying New Task: Solution Live Code 26 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/otEpS0Pz8UQ
Completing the Task: Solution Live Code 27 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/IbVyxRAvjT0
Filter and Sort: Solution Live Code 28 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/Swtsb7xXFsE
Logging Out: Solution Live Code 29 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/y6PKFuuS3b8
Creating the Error Message: Solution Live Code 30 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/cLUMn5TzNq4
Passing the Error Tests: Solution Live Code 31 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/FGeS4CU5EF4
Animating the Error Message: Solution Live Code 32 x Live coding the project https://youtu.be/aES2WT_tfyE
Cleaning Up: Solution Live Code 33 x Live coding the projcet https://youtu.be/sAETo8lG72g
Next Steps x Conclusion Where do you go from here https://youtu.be/yw_VcwYd-6E
Deploying The App x Addendum Let's deploy the project to the internet! https://youtu.be/Grk4_tbBCsc
Handling Static Files x Addendum Auto copying CSS, images, or other static assets to the dist folder https://youtu.be/IZodpoPVCQM
Bootstrap CSS x Addendum https://youtu.be/3VJIPLGOPEU