
Script to scaffold vegeta performance tests

Primary LanguageShell


  • Run sh gen-perf-test.sh to scaffold a basic directory structure to use vegeta cli.

  • This script creates a .perf-test dir in the current directory

  • .perf-test file structure:
    |-- targets.txt
    |-- payloads/
    |-- run.sh

  • targets.txt contain an example configuratio. See here for more info

  • run.sh is the entry point to start attacking, eg:

    ./run.sh performance-test 1/5s 10s 0s

    will create a directory performance-test, send 1 request every 5s, for 10s, with a timeout set to 0s

    ls performance-test
    ├── histogram.data
    ├── metrics.txt
    ├── plot.html
    ├── results.bin
    ├── settings.txt
    └── targets.txt
  • see here for the types of vegeta output formats