
Packagist Integration for Shopware

Primary LanguagePHP

Packagist Pluginmanager Integration for Shopware

Required Minimum Shopware Version 5.3

This integration is experimental. If you found bugs feel free to report :)


Git Version

  • Checkout Plugin in /custom/plugins/ShyimPluginManager
  • Change to Directory and run composer install to install the dependencies
  • Install the Plugin with the Plugin Manager

How to add Plugins?

  • Add a composer.json file to your Repository. Example File
  • Publish our plugin to packagist.org


Type Default Plugin Location
shopware-backend-plugin engine/Shopware/Plugins/Local/Backend/
shopware-core-plugin engine/Shopware/Plugins/Local/Core/
shopware-frontend-plugin engine/Shopware/Plugins/Local/Frontend/
shopware-plugin custom/plugins/
shopware-frontend-theme themes/Frontend/

