This is the repo for "Exploring the tidyverse" taught at NICAR in March 2018.
This is a one-day hands-on workshop based on the book R for Data Science. This workshop is designed for people who are familiar with R and want to learn how to achieve their data analysis goals the "tidy" way. You will learn how to visualize, transform, and model data in R and work with date-times, character strings, and untidy data formats. Along the way, you will learn and use many packages from the tidyverse including ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, readr, purrr, tibble, stringr, lubridate, and forcats.
(There are two days worth of content here, I'll figure out what figure out what half to cover after talking to you all)
You'll need the following packages:
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "fivethirtyeight", "gapminder", "rmarkdown", "usethis"))
Then you can grab a local copy of all the slides, code, data, and cheatsheets with:
To get back to this project later, double-click on "data-science-in-the-tidyverse.Rproj".
Data Science in the tidyverse by Charlotte Wickham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at
I have forked this repo from Charlotte Wickham, who forked it from RStudio. Thanks to Charlotte and Garrett for creating the slides and accompanying materials!