
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Arena Autocam

This project aims to drive a Raspberry Pi 4 camera to smoothly follow a horse and rider during video capture.


  • Git LFS
  • Rust nightly toolchain
  • docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin
    • Docker must be configured for cross-platform builds. These instructions will help. A script included on that page can be used to verify that the installation is correct.
  • (Optional) zsh-autoenv (https://github.com/Tarrasch/zsh-autoenv)

Building the application

The tasks directory contains a custom helper binary, "hptasks", for performing various development tasks.

Building one of the application's binary targets has two steps.

TODO(shyndman): Describe Docker multistage builds, and how we use the concept of builder images, runner images, and the base images of both.