
Automatic dependency resolution for Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Kind of Magic

Build Status Automatic dependency resolution for Javascript. Also akom for short.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I practice Readme Driven Development -- this project is not yet completed!

Currently, the resolver isn't hooked up to the public API, and the only provide/require gathering implemented is the hardcoded stuff described at the bottom of this readme. Docs are also a little lacking, I'm sure you'll agree.

What it do

This scans all the Javascript files in a directory, and outputs information about what depends on what, along with a suggested inclusion order. It's both a library and a command-line tool.

Why it do

You're not a compiler.

Assuming you're the average Javascript programmer like me, you follow a sane pattern for assigning to globals and the like -- a pattern that can be recognized and used by a compiler to do your dependency management for you.

How it do

Javascript files are parsed, and global assignments/accesses are recorded. For example, if a file does

window.bar = window.foo + 123;

Then the file is known to require foo and provide bar. Pretty simple example, but akom goes further: it understands scope, immediately-invoked functions, and all that jazz.


npm install a-kind-of-magic


You've got two ways to use akom: via command line, or as a library. The library approach is way more powerful.

Command Line

This isn't even implemented yet...


A quick sample:

var akom = require('a-kind-of-magic');
akom.scan('some/path', function(err, files) {


Avoiding Problems

Provided you always access globals by their fully-namespaced identifiers, you're good.




var saveTime = my.oh.so.deeply.nested.module.

Something worth noting as well: conditional blocks (and, well, anything that may or may not execute) are considered to always pass. So if you assign to something in an if statement, we're going to assume it always passes. Same with switch statements, while loops, etc.

Fixing Problems

Alas, sometimes you just have to do something obscene that's gonna confuse the analyzer. So, to work around this problem you can explicitly declare exports/requirements by putting them in string expressions at the root of a file. Like so:

'akom require: foo bar baz.bam';
'akom provide: shoo foo.zap';
'akom no-provide: zing';
'akom no-require: zam';

The first two statements explicitly add exports/requirements. The last two statements can be used to correct akom when it doesn't get things right.

Skipping Files

If you want to skip a file from being processed include the following at the root of the file:

'akom pass'

Note that other AKOM directives like 'akom require: foo bar' will still be processed and used for resolving dependencies. Using 'akom pass' just turns off the automagic checking.