
repository to host Eager research

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searching for software promises in grant applications


Stable Release: pip install soft-search
Development Head: pip install git+https://github.com/si2-urssi/eager.git

This repository contains the library code and the paper generation code created for our paper Searching for Software in NSF Awards.


Software is an important tool for scholarly work, but software produced for research is in many cases not easily identifiable or discoverable. A potential first step in linking research and software is software identification. In this paper we present two datasets to study the identification and production of research software. The first dataset contains almost 1000 human labeled annotations of software production from National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded research projects. We use this dataset to train models that predict software production. Our second dataset is created by applying the trained predictive models across the abstracts and project outcomes reports for all NSF funded projects between the years of 2010 and 2023. The result is an inferred dataset of software production for over 150,000 NSF awards. We release the Soft-Search dataset to aid in identifying and understanding research software production: https://github.com/si2-urssi/eager

The Soft-Search Inferred Dataset

Please download the 500MB Soft-Search Inferred dataset from Google Drive.

The dataset is shared as a parquet file and can be read in Python with

import pandas as pd

nsf_soft_search = pd.read_parquet("nsf-soft-search-2022.parquet")

Please view the Parquet R Documentation for information regarding reading the dataset in R.


  1. Load our best model (the "TF-IDF Vectorizer Logistic Regression Model")
  2. Pull award abstract texts from the NSF API
  3. Predict if the award will produce software using the abstract text for each award
from soft_search.constants import NSFFields, NSFPrograms
from soft_search.label import (
from soft_search.nsf import get_nsf_dataset

# Load the abstract model
pipeline = load_tfidf_logit_for_prediction_from_abstract()
# or load the outcomes model
# pipeline = load_tfidf_logit_for_prediction_from_outcomes()

# Pull data
data = get_nsf_dataset(

# Predict
data["prediction_from_abstract"] = pipeline.predict(data[NSFFields.abstractText])
print(data[["id", "prediction_from_abstract"]])

#           id prediction_from_abstract
# 0    2238468   software-not-predicted
# 1    2239561   software-not-predicted

Annotated Training Data

from soft_search.data import load_soft_search_2022_training

df = load_soft_search_2022_training()

Reproducible Models

predictive_source model accuracy precision recall f1
project-outcomes tfidf-logit 0.744898 0.745106 0.744898 0.744925
project-outcomes fine-tuned-transformer 0.673469 0.637931 0.770833 0.698113
abstract-text tfidf-logit 0.673913 0.673960 0.673913 0.673217
abstract-text fine-tuned-transformer 0.635870 0.607843 0.696629 0.649215
project-outcomes semantic-logit 0.632653 0.632568 0.632653 0.632347
abstract-text semantic-logit 0.630435 0.630156 0.630435 0.629997
abstract-text regex 0.516304 0.514612 0.516304 0.513610
project-outcomes regex 0.510204 0.507086 0.510204 0.481559

To train and evaluate all of our models you can run the following:

pip install soft-search


Also available directly in Python

from soft_search.label.model_selection import fit_and_eval_all_models

results = fit_and_eval_all_models()

Annotated Dataset Creation

  1. We queried GitHub for repositories with references to NSF Awards.
  • We specifically queried for the terms: "National Science Foundation", "NSF Award", "NSF Grant", "Supported by the NSF", and "Supported by NSF". This script is available with the command get-github-repositories-with-nsf-ref. The code for the script is available at the following link: https://github.com/si2-urssi/eager/blob/main/soft_search/bin/get_github_repositories_with_nsf_ref.py
  • Note: the get-github-repositories-with-nsf-ref script produces a directory of CSV files. This is useful for paginated queries and protecting against potential crashes but the actual stored data in the repo (and the data we use going forward) is the a DataFrame with all of these chunks concatenated together and duplicate GitHub repositories removed.
  • Because the get-github-repositories-with-nsf-ref script depends on the returned data from GitHub themselves, we have archived the data produced by the original run of this script to the repository and made it available as follows:
    from soft_search.data import load_github_repos_with_nsf_refs_2022
    data = load_github_repos_with_nsf_refs_2022()
  1. We manually labeled each of the discovered repositories as "software" or "not software" and cleaned up the dataset to only include awards which have a valid NSF Award ID.
  • A script was written to find all NSF Award IDs within a repositories README.md file and check that each NSF Award ID found was valid (if we could successfully query that award ID using the NSF API). Only valid NSF Award IDs were kept and therefore, only GitHub repositories which contained valid NSF Award IDs were kept in the dataset. This script is available with the command find-nsf-award-ids-in-github-readmes-and-link. The code for the script is available at the following link: https://github.com/si2-urssi/eager/blob/main/soft_search/bin/find_nsf_award_ids_in_github_readmes_and_link.py
  • A function was written to merge all of the manual annotations and the NSF Award IDs found. This function also stored the cleaned and prepared data to the project data directory. The code for this function is available at the following link: https://github.com/si2-urssi/eager/blob/main/soft_search/data/soft_search_2022.py#L143
  • The manually labeled, cleaned, prepared, and stored data is made available with the following code:
    from soft_search.data import load_soft_search_2022_training
    data = load_soft_search_2022_training()
  • Prior to the manual annotation process, we conducted multiple rounds of annotation trials to ensure we had agreement on our labeling definitions. The final annotation trial results which resulted in an inter-rater reliability (Fleiss Kappa score) of 0.8918 (near perfect) is available via the following function:
    from soft_search.data import load_soft_search_2022_training_irr
    data = load_soft_search_2022_training_irr()
    Additionally, the code for calculating the Fleiss Kappa Statistic is available at the following link: https://github.com/si2-urssi/eager/blob/main/soft_search/data/irr.py


For full package documentation please visit si2-urssi.github.io/eager.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for information related to developing the code.

MIT License