
Blocking and nonblocking client and server written in C.

Primary LanguageC


Blocking and nonblocking client and server written in C.


There are several elements here for design of the socket server and client.

  1. Using blocking vs. non-blocking sockets
  2. Using forks vs. threads vs. asynchronous design (ties into whether to use blocking or non-blocking sockets).



  1. Test blocking-server:
$ gcc blocking/server.c -o server
$ ./server

Running the load-testing client:

$ time ./loadtester  0.02s user 0.03s system 4% cpu 1.030 total
  1. Testing non-blocking server:
$ gcc nonblocking/server.c -o server
$ ./server

Running the load-testing client:

$ cd loadtester/cmd/ && go build .
$ time ./loadtester  
$ time ./loadtester  0.02s user 0.03s system 156% cpu 0.028 total

Meaning of the output for time:

  • [0.02s] user -> CPU time in user mode
  • [0.03s] system -> CPU time in system mode
  • 156% cpu -> % of cpu that this job got
  • [0.028] total -> time from start to finish of call

// TODO:

  1. Work on nonblocking client based on notes here
  2. Change all code to incorporate proper C style (Gnu style: https://man.openbsd.org/style.9, OpenBSD style, Linux style)
  3. Start on port scanning code
