Class Inheritance, Methods, and Attributes

Learning Goals

  • Inheritance

  • The super method

  • Class attributes

  • Class methods



  1. Make the Dog class inherit from Mammal (be sure to import!)

  2. Amend the __init__ method for Dog so it properly utilizes the super method.

  3. Amend the __repr__ method so it makes sense with the new attributes from Mammal.

  4. Change the behavior for the make_sound method in Dog so it returns something that makes more sense. You will not need to use super.

  5. Change the sleep and run_around methods for Dog so that they use the super keyword. Add additional dog-centric behavior to the methods (for example print or return something new that gives us an idea of what the Dog instance is doing).

Class Methods / Attributes

  1. Give the Fish a class attribute all_fish which starts as an empty list.

  2. When a new Fish is created, append it to Fish.all_fish.

  3. Create a new class method num_fish which returns the length of Fish.all_fish.

  4. Create a class method all_fish_names which returns a list of all the names for Fish instances. HINT: You can use list comprehension for this!

  5. Create a class method average_length which returns the average length in inches for all Fish instances. HINT: The average is the sum of lengths / number of fish. There are several ways of getting the average in Python...