
The purpose of this repository is to introduce a design pattern for grouping types in Go.

Problem description

An IP address type can be represented like the following (in pseudo-ML):

type IP = IPv4 [4]byte
        | IPv6 [16]byte

Then we can define a version function that works on both types:

let version (addr: IP) : int =
    match addr with
    | IPv4 -> 4
    | IPv6 -> 6

In Go, we could use an empty interface{}, but that would mean that there is no compile-time type-checking and things can go wrong during runtime.


We could define an interface that is only implemented by the types we are interested in. This interface groups several types, hence I call it a "group interface".

type IPv4 [4]byte
type IPv6 [16]byte

// Group the types
type IP interface {
	GroupTypes(IPv4, IPv6)

// Implement the group's method
func (IPv4) GroupTypes(IPv4, IPv6) {}
func (IPv6) GroupTypes(IPv4, IPv6) {}

The purpose of the GroupTypes method is solely to tell the type-checker that IPv4 and IPv6 are grouped and can represent an IP.

Then, we will be able to leverage Go's type switch:

func Version(ip IP) int {
	switch ip.(type) {
	case IPv4:
		return 4
	case IPv6:
		return 6
	case nil:
		panic("nil interface")
		panic("never reached")

func main() {
	fmt.Println("version is", Version(IPv4{127, 0, 0, 1}))
	fmt.Println("version is", Version(IPv6{}))

// Output:
// version is 4
// version is 6

The advantage of doing this is that the compiler is now able to check the types given in each switch-case. For example, you will not be able to do

// This does not compile, unless AnotherType
// implements IP's GroupTypes(IPv4, IPv6) method.
switch ip.(type) {
case IPv4:
	return 4
case IPv6:
	return 6
case string: // <-- ERR, thank goodness


This repository contains a simple program that generates that generates the methods for all types included in a group interface with a single method called "GroupTypes" inside *_group_interface.go. All you need to do is to define your types and an interface with a method named GroupTypes, accepting all types that you need to group.

For example, let's say we have a example/example.go file:

//go:generate group-interface -f example.go

type IP interface {
	GroupTypes(IPv4, IPv6)

Then run

go install .
go generate ./example

The following lines are generate and placed in a *_group_interface.go file.

// Generated by group-interface

package p

// IP group
func (IPv4) GroupTypes(IPv4, IPv6) {}
func (IPv6) GroupTypes(IPv4, IPv6) {}


  • For basic types and types outside the package, we are not able to add any methods. One workaround is to wrap the type inside a locally defined type, for example, type Float64 float64.
  • Using the same variable name for everything is a bit awkward.
  • We need to handle nil cases as well, because all interface values can be nil.
  • The compiler is not able to check whether all types are included in the switch-case statements. Most importantly, interface values can be nil. For example, values of type IP can have 3 type: IPv4, IPv6, and nil.
// missing cases (IPv6 and nil) is allowed by the type-checker.
switch ip.(type) {
case IPv4:
	return 4
  • Pattern matching by value is verbose. We need a type-switch then a value-switch after that.
  • Embeding a value inside the type is verbose. We need to define the type and then assign a value to it.
  • Defining a common function for all types is awkward. A workaround would be to define a wrapper type which the required function. For example, if we want to define a String() string method for all types, we could do this:
type Stringify struct {

func (s Stringify) String() string {
	switch s.ConnState.(type) {
	case StateNew:      return "new"
	case StateActive:   return "active"
	case StateIdle:     return "idle"
	case StateHijacked: return "hijacked"
	case StateClosed:   return "closed"
	case nil:           panic("nil interface")
	default:            panic("never reached")

func main() {
// Output:
// new
// active

Experimenting with net/http.IP

Both IPv4 and IPv5 are represented as a []byte. This type has a String() string in which we try to detect the version of that IP:

// IP represents both IPv4 and IPv6
type IP []byte

func (ip IP) String() string {
	if p4 := p.To4(); len(p4) == IPv4len { // <-- no type checking
		// ...

There are good reasons for keeping the type a simple []byte wrapper. I am not suggesting that this code should be changed at all. We are just exploring possibilities.

Experimenting with net/http.ConnState

The following code snippet is taken from the net/http for ConnState:

type ConnState int

const (
	StateNew ConnState = iota

var stateName = map[ConnState]string{
	StateNew:      "new",
	StateActive:   "active",
	StateIdle:     "idle",
	StateHijacked: "hijacked",
	StateClosed:   "closed",

func (c ConnState) String() string {
	return stateName[c]

If we were to use our approach, we could write it like this:

//go:generate group-interface

type ConnState interface {

type StateNew      struct{}
type StateActive   struct{}
type StateIdle     struct{}
type StateHijacked struct{}
type StateClosed   struct{}

There are two ways to implement the stringer interface on each state. One approach is to use a type switch:

type Stringify struct {

func (s Stringify) String() string {
	switch s.ConnState.(type) {
	case StateNew:      return "new"
	case StateActive:   return "active"
	case StateIdle:     return "idle"
	case StateHijacked: return "hijacked"
	case StateClosed:   return "closed"
	case nil:           panic("nil interface")
	default:            panic("never reached")

The other approach would be to use a map:

type Stringify struct {

func (s Stringify) String() string {
	reutnr stateName[s.ConnState]

var stateName = map[ConnState]string{
	StateNew{}:      "new",
	StateActive{}:   "active",
	StateIdle{}:     "idle",
	StateHijacked{}: "hijacked",
	StateClosed{}:   "closed",

Both approaches requires a wrapper struct (Stringify).