
Web Counter using Firebase

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Web Counter using Firebase Firestore and Cloud Functions.

Langkasuka was an ancient Malay Hindu-Buddhist kingdom located in the Malay Peninsula. Langkasuka means, Land with Happiness.


  • Using Firebase Firestore and Cloud Functions.
  • Support 3 output types:
    • text
    • badge (svg format) - can be used in markdown file or html file.
    • javascript - can be used in html script, as hidden counter or for advance html formatting.


badge in markdown


badge in html

<img src="https://hit-tztugwlsja-uc.a.run.app?counter=test1&outputtype=badge" />

hidden in javascript

<SCRIPT SRC=https://hit-tztugwlsja-uc.a.run.app/?counter=test1&outputtype=javascript></script>

advance html formatting in html

<SCRIPT SRC=https://hit-tztugwlsja-uc.a.run.app/?counter=test1&outputtype=javascript></script>
function show_counter(){
</HEAD><BODY onload="show_counter()">
<div id=counter123></div>

Javascript output type will return a javascript file contains the following line, which front-end can use it for more advance formatting.

var LANGKASUKA_WEBCOUNTER = { count: nnn };

How to Deploy

  • create Firebase project with:
    • Name: Web Counter Langkasuka
    • id: web-counter-langkasuka
  • upgrade plan to Blaze plan (Pay as you go)
    • Cloud Function requires at least this plan to work.
  • Enable Firestore
    • Go to Firebase > Build > Firestore Database
      • click Create Database
      • Select Start in production mode, click Next
      • choose a location, click Create
  • Enable Cloud Function
    • Go to Firebase > Build > Functions
      • click 'Get started'
      • click Continue (Set up Functions - step 1 install)
      • click Finish (Set up Functions - step 2 deploy)
  • download this repo
  • run the following commands: (you need to install firebase cli, https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli/)
    • firebase login
    • firebase deploy
      • A new URL resembling https://hit-xxxxxxx.a.run.app will be generated and displayed in the console output. That is the url for your webcounter.

Setup Github Actions if you fork this repo

  • Go to Google Cloud console https://console.cloud.google.com
    • Select "Web Counter Langkasuka"
    • Go to "IAM and admin" > "service accounts"
    • In the service account web-counter-langkasuka@appspot.gserviceaccount.com > action, choose "Manage Key"
    • choose Add Key > Create new Key
    • choose Key Type = json and click Create
    • A json file will be downloaded, the name of file resembling web-counter-langkasuka-xxxxxxxxxx.json
    • encodes the file with base64 and upload to github as secret name: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_BASE64
      • if you have gh cli, you can just run this command: base64 web-counter-langkasuka-xxxxxxxxxx.json | gh secret set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_BASE64
    • remove the json file locally, for security purposes.
  • commit changes to Github and check that the workflow run successfully.


GitHub GitHub last commit GitHub top language GitHub language count Lines of code GitHub repo size GitHub code size in bytes Workflow workflow

Generic badge Generic badge count