
An easy to use notifications library for Angular 2

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A light and easy to use notifications library for Angular 2.


Take a look at the live demo here: Live Demo You can also clone this repository and check out the example folder.


Download the library with npm

npm install --save angular2-notifications

Map the library in your System.config if you're using SystemJs.

    map: {
        'notifications': 'node_modules/angular2-notifications'

Add the NotificationComponent in to the component where you want to use the notifications.

directives: [NotificationComponent],
template: '<simple-notifications [options]="options"></simple-notifications>'

You will also need to use the NotificationsService in your component to create or remove the notifications.

providers: [NotificationsService]
constructor( private _service: NotificationsService ) {}

This are the currently available access methods:

  • success(title: string, content: string, override?: any) - Creates a success notification with the provided title and content.
  • error(title: string, content: string, override?: any) - Creates an error notification with the provided title and content.
  • alert(title: string, content: string, override?: any) - Creates an alert notification with the provided title and content.
  • info(title: string, content: string, override?: any) - Creates an info notification with the provided title and content.
  • create(title: string, content: string, type: string, override?: any) - Use this method to create any notification type ['success', 'error', 'alert', 'info'].
  • html(html: any, type: string, override?: any - Use this method to create a notification with custom html.
  • removeAll() - Closes all currently open notifications.


This are the current options that can be pass to the component:

  • timeOut [int] [Default: 0] - Determine how long a notification should wait before closing. If set to 0 a notification won't close it self.
  • showProgressBar [boolean] [Default: true] - Determine if a progress bar should be shown or not.
  • pauseOnHover [boolean] [Default: true] - Determines if the timeOut should be paused when the notification is hovered.
  • lastOnBottom [boolean] [Default: true] - Determines if new notifications should appear at the bottom or top of the list.
  • clickToClose [boolean] [Default: true] - Determines if notifications should close on click.
  • maxLength [int] [Default: 0] - Set the maximum allowed length of the content string. If set to 0 or not defined there is no maximum length.
  • maxStacks [int] [Default: 8] - Set the maximum number of notifications that can be on the screen at once.
  • preventDuplicates [boolean] [Default: false] - If true prevents duplicates of open notifications.
  • preventLastDuplicates [boolean] [Default: false] - If true prevents duplicates of the latest notification shown.
  • theClass [string] [Default: null] - A class that should be attached to the notification. (It doesn't exactly get attached to the selector but to the first div of the template.)
template: '<simple-notifications [options]="options"></simple-notifications>'
public options = {
    timeOut: 5000,
    lastOnBottom: true

The following options can be overridden by passing them to the override object:

  • timeOut
  • showProgressBar
  • pauseOnHover
  • clickToClose
  • maxLength
  • theClass
    title: 'example', 
    override: {
        timeOut: 5000,
        showProgressBar: true,
        pauseOnHover: false,
        clickToClose: false,
        maxLength: 10

Planed Features

  • CSS Themes
  • Animation
  • Custom types
  • HTML insert