- 5
- 1
How dispose ModelWrapper
#597 opened - 2
dagger as DI
#628 opened by brijesh-padsala - 2
Injections not working properly
#627 opened by gilad7 - 3
Why does it crash after I use jpackage to package it into dmg, and what should I do? Here is my
#624 opened by lqyaos - 0
How to get the index in an item of a list view
#625 opened by Jtpatato21 - 1
Can you update logback
#623 opened by lqyaos - 5
Connecting two view models to a single view
#610 opened by chuuck - 2
- 4
On demand validation
#618 opened by daniel-sarov - 2
Can we use this library without fxml library?
#616 opened by lvxingtu - 0
wrong issues
#615 opened by JhonnySalles - 1
- 1
Get Guice injector created by mvvmFX
#612 opened by BowgartField - 1
multiple call FluentViewLoader.fxmlView(, cause Injected controls by @Fxml be covered
#611 opened by zonowry - 0
document JfxToolkitExtension in Wiki
#609 opened by manuel-mauky - 1
Loading FXML from resources
#608 opened by clogs1959 - 3
HostServicesFactory - ClassNotFoundException
#607 opened by clogs1959 - 2
Injecting 2 ViewModels
#605 opened by svedie - 0
Prevent double initialization of ViewModels which have both naming-convention and @Initialize annotated init method
#604 opened by manuel-mauky - 2
Default value for the ModelWrapper field method
#601 opened by svedie - 0
- 0
Make "ValidationVisualizerBase" methods protected to allow own visualizers
#600 opened by manuel-mauky - 2
Validation for/with null-Values
#599 opened by svedie - 5
Refresh a ComboBox
#598 opened by svedie - 1
- 3
Trouble with garbage collection on ComboBox
#594 opened by pbauerochse - 10
Support building of the library with OpenJDK 11+
#576 opened by manuel-mauky - 2
MvvmFX validation with JFoenix controls
#593 opened by piterso - 3
OnViewRemoved method is not invoked on Window closed
#591 opened by piterso - 0
Fix wrong automatic module names
#589 opened by manuel-mauky - 4
- 1
Clear DefaultNotificationCenter
#585 opened by rguillens - 1
- 1
- 4
Release 1.8.0
#573 opened by manuel-mauky - 1
- 4
Illegal reflective access operation
#575 opened by mipastgt - 0
Set Automatic-Module-Name for all modules
#579 opened by manuel-mauky - 3
@InjectContext does not work with JavaViews
#544 opened by nils-christian - 5
- 0
Improve Validation JavaDoc
#552 opened by manuel-mauky - 1
Add Tests for Java 9 Modules
#560 opened by manuel-mauky - 0
Unify formatting and update formatting config
#572 opened by manuel-mauky - 1
Scopes not injected before view is initialized when the view model instance is provided
#559 opened by bendardenne - 3
Add Support for Spring-Boot
#561 opened by manuel-mauky - 0
JUnit 5 alternative for '@TestInJfxThread'
#556 opened by manuel-mauky - 4
- 6
- 3