DevNations Live: Tips for CI/CD Jenkins Demo

Install minishift to get a local OpenShift cluster on your workstation:

Start minishift:

minishift start --vm-driver virtualbox --memory 4096 --openshift-version=v3.9.0

Install Java imagestream

oc login -u system:admin
oc create -f -n openshift

Create projects

oc login -u developer

oc new-project dev
oc new-project prod
oc new-project cicd

Deploy Jenkins

oc new-app jenkins-persistent --param=MEMORY_LIMIT=2Gi -n cicd

Give Jenkins access to dev and prod projects

oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:cicd:jenkins -n dev
oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:cicd:jenkins -n prod

Create Mapit Spring app

oc new-app java:8~ -n dev
oc expose svc/mapit-spring -n dev

Set health probes

oc set probe dc/mapit-spring --readiness --get-url=http://:8080/ --initial-delay-seconds=30 --failure-threshold=10 --period-seconds=10 -n dev
oc set probe dc/mapit-spring --liveness  --get-url=http://:8080/ --initial-delay-seconds=180 --failure-threshold=10 --period-seconds=10 -n dev

Create simple pipeline

oc new-build --name=mapit-build -n cicd

Customize Jenkins slave configurations:

oc create -f -n cicd

Disable deployment triggers on OpenShift

oc set triggers dc/mapit-spring --manual -n dev

Change Jenkinsfile in the pipeline object to use OpenShift client plugin

oc patch bc mapit-build --patch '{"spec": {"strategy": {"jenkinsPipelineStrategy": {"jenkinsfilePath": "Jenkinsfile-deploy"}}}}' -n cicd

Register at, create a repository called mapit-spring and under account settings click on Generate Encrypted Password to get an encrypted password. Replace your username and encrypted password in the following:

oc create secret generic quay-credentials --from-literal=username=USERNAME --from-literal=password=PASSWORD -n cicd
oc label secret quay-credentials -n cicd

Create the release pipeline

oc create -f -n cicd

Create some tags as if they were released.

oc tag dev/mapit-spring:latest dev/mapit-spring:1.0
oc tag dev/mapit-spring:latest dev/mapit-spring:1.1
oc tag dev/mapit-spring:latest dev/mapit-spring:1.2

oc tag dev/mapit-spring:latest prod/mapit-spring:1.0

Deploy Mapit Spring in prod

oc new-app mapit-spring:1.0 -n prod
oc expose svc/mapit-spring -n prod

Set health probes

oc set probe dc/mapit-spring --readiness --get-url=http://:8080/ --initial-delay-seconds=30 --failure-threshold=10 --period-seconds=10 -n prod
oc set probe dc/mapit-spring --liveness  --get-url=http://:8080/ --initial-delay-seconds=180 --failure-threshold=10 --period-seconds=10 -n prod

Disable deployment triggers on OpenShift

oc set triggers dc/mapit-spring --manual -n prod

Create prod pipeline

oc create -f -n cicd