For our application, we will need to have installed:

  1. Docker
  2. Kubectl
  3. Minikube
  4. git

(In case you encounter a "permission denied" error while starting Docker, you can use this solution)

Instructions to run the app:

  1. Port 80 must be exposed on our machine (and 443 for https traffic).
  2. Clone the repository by running the command "git clone"
  3. Start Minikube with "minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.service-node-port-range=1-65535" This is done because we've set the nodePort to 80 which isn't in the default range
  4. Navigate to the directory where our configuration yaml file is with "cd nginx-rproxy-k8s"
  5. Edit the config.yaml file and change the {ip or domain} field to your machine's IP address
  6. Deploy our application with "kubectl apply -f config.yaml"
  7. Run the command "sudo kubectl --address port-forward svc/hello-service 80:80" It's needed to run the command with sudo privileges in order to expose the service to port 80

This solution was chosen over a solution with docker compose as it is closer to a production environment