This repo provides a docker image for deep-learning development targeting the STMicroelectronics Cube-AI. It is built on top of the TensorFlow Dockerfile for GPU and includes most typical packages needed to process & train a model using TensorFlow/Keras and compiling the resulting model using the Cube-AI command-line interface.
Note: the following instructions were tested on Linux/Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with nvidia driver 515.48.07.
To run a container from the SIANA hosted image on Docker Hub, you'll need to:
- have an NVIDIA graphic card (to check, run: nvidia-smi)
- install Docker Engine
- install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit
- check that you have make installed, if not:
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install make
- download/save the Makefile from this repo in your training directory
To run the container in bash mode:
foo@bar: ~/$ make bash
The first time around, Docker will proceed to download the SIANA image form Docker Hub (which may take a while...) Then, it'll run a container and open a bash terminal. From this terminal, you can run your TensorFlow/Keras python scripts and/or the Cube-AI CLI (stm32ai.) The docker container maps its /src/workspace/ to your working/training folder on the host side.
Note: review the Makefile targets for different runtime options.
If you need to update the docker image...
- the following instructions were tested on Linux/Ubuntu 20.04
- the following instructions assumed the root path under: ~/docker-cubeai-gpu
You will need:
- to install Docker Engine
- a copy of ST Cube-AI:
- download / install the STM32CubeMX
- install the latest X-Cube-AI
- use CubeMX to create a dummy project and select the X-Cube-AI package => it will force download the remaining dependencies.
- make a copy of X-Cube-AI linux in ~/docker-keras-cpu/cubeai you can find X-Cube-AI under: ~/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-Cube-AI/<M.m.b>/Utility/linux
- if needed: chmod 775 the copied cubeai/stm32ai
Don't forget to edit the Makefile to change the version#
Open a terminal into your ~/docker-cubeai-gpu and run:
foo@bar: ~/docker-cubeai-gpu$ make build
Docker will launch and proceed to build a new image named: "tf-cubeai-gpu:vx"
On completion, you should see the new image listed:
foo@bar: ~/docker-cubeai-gpu$ docker image list
Opional: you can push the new release:
foo@bar: ~/docker-cubeai-gpu$ docker push
This new image will be used by the Makefile to launch a new container (as described in [Using the SIANA Image].)