
VarianManagment sample using sap.ui.table

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Are you tired of creating separate UIs for each individual or group of users? The VariantManagementApp repository provides a solution to this problem by using the VariantManagement and sap.ui.table controls in SAPUI5 to create and manage variants of a UI.

The VariantManagementApp project, available at https://github.com/siasty/variantmanagmentapp, is an example of how to use the VariantManagement and sap.ui.table controls in SAPUI5. This project has been tested in SAPUI5 version 1.78 and is compatible with a wide range of SAPUI5 applications.

The VariantManagement control allows you to create and manage multiple versions of your UI, each tailored to the needs of specific groups of users. With this control, you can streamline the process of customizing UIs for different users or groups of users. Instead of having to create separate versions of your UI for each individual, you can create and manage variants that are tailored to the needs of specific groups of users.

The sap.ui.table control can be used to display data in a tabular format. This control is especially useful when working with large data sets, as it allows you to display and manipulate data more efficiently. The VariantManagementApp repository includes an example of how to use the sap.ui.table control to display data in a table format.

To get started with the VariantManagementApp, you'll need to download the repository from https://github.com/siasty/variantmanagmentapp and configure the UI to use the VariantManagement and sap.ui.table controls. Once you have done this, you can use the VariantManagement control to create and manage variants of your UI and the sap.ui.table control to display data in a table format.

One potential use case for the VariantManagementApp is to create customized UIs for different departments within your organization. For example, you might need to create a version of your UI that is tailored to the needs of your finance department, with specific data fields and filters that are relevant to their work. With the VariantManagement control, you can easily create and manage multiple versions of your UI, each tailored to the needs of a specific group of users.

Overall, the VariantManagementApp repository provides a valuable example of how to use the VariantManagement and sap.ui.table controls in SAPUI5 to create and manage variants of a UI. By leveraging the power of these controls, you can streamline the process of customizing UIs for different users or groups of users, making it easier to manage and maintain your applications over time.

Application Details

Generation Date and Time
Fri Dec 23 2022 11:36:25 GMT+0100 (czas środkowoeuropejski standardowy)
App Generator
App Generator Version
Generation Platform
Visual Studio Code
Template Used
Service Type
Metadata File
Module Name
Application Title
Variant Managmnet App
UI5 Theme
UI5 Version
Enable Code Assist Libraries
Enable TypeScript
Add Eslint configuration


A Fiori application demo.

Starting the generated app

  • This app has been generated using the SAP Fiori tools - App Generator, as part of the SAP Fiori tools suite. In order to launch the generated app, simply run the following from the generated app root folder:
    npm start
  • It is also possible to run the application using mock data that reflects the OData Service URL supplied during application generation. In order to run the application with Mock Data, run the following from the generated app root folder:
    npm run start-mock


  1. Active NodeJS LTS (Long Term Support) version and associated supported NPM version. (See https://nodejs.org)