
Hello everyone,

I thought I'd give an update on this project. I am extremely new to Github. I've been here for a year but never really got involved in anything. Now I'm trying to change that. While learning new skills in Java or Python is great, and I am definitely going to continue doing that. I think learning how to use Github and Git will open up a lot more opportunities and help me grow faster.

So, what I've been doing is getting some work out there by throwing up a project Euler problem solution when I can. There's around 600 problems available online right now so that gives me a lot to work on. I'll be doing some side projects, websites, apps, and maybe a database, with this so I get some bigger works out there as well.

I've been using as well as to type up code and upload it to Github. Codeanywhere is great because I had zero knowledge of Git until yesterday, but I am forced to use their SSH terminal to upload to Github so now I have to learn it. The downside is I'm still very new to this as well and can't even make my java files run on here yet (they work, but I have to test them in I'll figure out why the run button won't work soon. Memorial Day weekend is coming up and I should have time and be able to play around some more. Anyway, that's my status update. I'm thinking about starting a blog to post these things to (good way to practice HTML and using Google Analytics). We'll see how it goes.

Adios, sibelbd