This is an Open Street Map app for the Nokia 81104G
- Map
- Send your position by sms
- Import Tracks (geoJson / gpx)
- Save your position
- open .gpx files
- search locations
- open openstreetmap link to marker
If you want to use the openweathermap, you need to get an API key from Then you need to create a file called osm-map.json please check my example file
- Openstreetmap
- Open Topo Map
- Tonner Map
- OpenWeatherMap
- Soft-keys Zoom the map
- Cursor Moving the map
- key 1 update marker
- key 2 search
- key 3 load geoJson track,add MapLayer, add Markers, settings
- key 4 watch position on/off
- key 5 save position or search result as marker on sd-card
to delete the marker open with 3 the menu select der marker and press long enter (+- 5sec) - key 6 show lat lon alt dir
- key 7 measure distance
- Online tool:
- Validation: geojsonlint
- GeoJson Map: [geojson Map]
If you use the app often, please donate an amount to me.