
A sample blog app built with Quasar and NodeJs

Primary LanguageVue

Simo's Simple Blog

Simple Blog App built with NodeJs (Express) and VueJs (Quasar).
This sample web app consists of a server (nodejs) and a client (Quasar) with NO actual storage and the data are mocked in json file (server/api/data/posts.json).
The backend provides APIs for:

  • Get all posts
  • Get/create a post
  • Get all comments for a specific post
  • Get/Create/Update a comment

The frontend provides a:

  • Homepage with a list of posts and comments total
  • Post page with title/blody and a list of comments
    • it's possible to create/edit a comment
  • About page with my current CV

The app provides unit tests for both server and client, together with a dockerfile to run it in a container.

Getting Started

# install server dependencies
npm install 
# or

# run server in development mode
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

# In a separate terminal 
# install client dependencies
cd client
npm install 
# or

# run client in development mode
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Try It

Install Dependencies

Install all server package dependencies (one time operation)

npm install
# or

Install all client package dependencies (one time operation)

cd client
npm install
# or

Run It

Run in development mode:

Runs the application is development mode. Should not be used in production

# run server in development mode
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

# run client in development mode
cd client
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

or debug the server (See vscode section)

npm run dev:debug
# or
yarn dev:debug

Run in production mode:

Compiles the application and starts it in production production mode.

npm run compile
# or
yarn compile

npm start
# or
yarn start

# build client in production mode to be served by a web server
cd client
npm run build
# or
yarn build

Run it in a docker container

In this Dockerfile the nodejs server and quasar client are together in the same container although it's definitely possible to have them separately by creating 2 different dockerfiles where the quasar client will served by an nginx web server (https://vuejs.org/v2/cookbook/dockerize-vuejs-app.html) and the nodejs server follows the same stage as in the current dockerfile.

# Build the docker image
docker build -t blog-image .
# Run the container
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 --name blog-container blog-image

Test It

Run the Mocha unit tests for the server

# test server
npm test
# or
yarn test

or debug test server

npm run test:debug
# or
yarn test:debug

Run the Jest unit tests for the client

npm run test:unit
# or
yarn test:unit

See scripts in client/package.json for available tests.

Debug It

Debug the server:

npm run dev:debug

Debug Tests

npm run test:debug

Debug with VSCode

On the launch.json file there are configurations to attach to a process, debug the tests and debug the server.

In order to debug the server and obtain prettier logs, install globally pino-pretty:

yarn global add pino-pretty

Lint It

View prettier linter output for the server

npm run lint
# or 
yarn lint

Fix all prettier linter errors

npm run lint:fix
# or
yarn lint:fix