
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

The repo mirror from Litipk/php-bignumbers

Since our project needs,I modify some logic:

Support php 5.6

[Litipk/php-bignumbers], after 0.8.x version, requires php 7.x, and not support php 5.6. After Modified, it supports php 5.6.

Throw an exception if Decimal's argument is Float type

In [Litipk/PHP-bignumbers], Decimal converts Float to string type, then uses string to compute through BCMath. However, the accuracy of Float conversion to string may also lead to precision loss(For Detail: https://www.sitepoint.com/fixed-point-math-php-bcmath-precision-loss-cases/). For Example:

echo Decimal::create(50018850776.2101)->innerValue() . PHP_EOL;


So deprecate the function Decimal::fromFloat(), throw an exception in Decimal::create() if the parameter is Float type.

Add switch for exponential representation:ENABLE_EXP_NOTATION

if Decimal::ENABLE_EXP_NOTATION is true, argument can be a string of exponential representation.Otherwise, throw an exception.