Awesome Meteor
A curated list of awesome Meteor Packages, libraries and software.
Getting Started
Where to start
- Official Meteor tutorial
- Meteor-Cookbook - Meteor Cookbook
Helpers and expensions for collections
- aldeed:collection2 - Automatic validation of insert and update operations on the client and server.
- dburles:collection-helpers – Transform your collections with helpers that you define.
- matb33:collection-hooks - Extends Mongo.Collection with before/after hooks for insert/update/remove/find/findOne.
REST support for Meteor
- simple:rest - automatically make your Meteor app accessible over HTTP and DDP alike.
Forms and Templates
Helpers for templates
- aldeed:autoform - UI components and helpers to easily create basic forms with automatic insert and update events, and automatic reactive validation.
Users and Authentication
Tools for handling users and authentication
- alanning:roles - Roles support for the built-in accounts packages.
Deployement Tools
Tools for deploying and maintaining Meteor apps
- meteorhacks:kadira - Performance Monitoring for Meteor.
- meteor-up – Meteor Deployments.
Routers for Blaze
- iron:router - A client and server side router designed specifically for Meteor.
- meteorhacks:flow-router - Client Side Router for Meteor.
Testing tools
- Velocity - A reactive test-runner for Meteor.
- mike:mocha – Run mocha tests within the Meteor framework.
- sanjo:jasmine - Run Jasmine tests for all your Meteor code.
- xolvio:cucumber - Reactive BDD for Meteor using Cucumber.js and Velocity.
- velocity:html-reporter - HTML reporter for Meteor velocity testing framework.
Handling files in Meteor
- Meteor-CollectionFS - Meteor webbased filesystem handling up and downloads.
Search sort paginate
Search sort paginate related tools
- tmeasday:publish-counts - Publish the count of a cursor, in real time.
Mobile Developement
- meteoric:ionic - Ionic components for Meteor.
- raix:push - Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox).
- martijnwalraven:meteor-ios - Integrates native iOS apps with the Meteor platform through DDP.
- delight-im/Android-DDP - DDP for clients on Android.
- okgrow:analytics - Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KISSmetrics (and more) integration for meteor.
Cron Jobs
Cron Jobs in Meteor
- percolate:synced-cron - Cron system for Meteor. It supports syncronizing jobs between multiple processes.
Degugging Tools
Degugging Tools
- msavin:mongol - Visual Editing Tool for Meteor for MongoDB Collections.
- msavin:jetsetter - Visual Get/Set Tool for Meteor Session Variables.
Package Managers
Using package managers in Meteor
- meteorhacks:npm - Use Npm Modules with Your Meteor App.
- Meteor Kitchen - Code generator for Meteor.
UI Frameworks
Alternative FrontEnd Frameworks to Blaze
Where to discover new Meteor things.
- Official Meteor - Official website.
- Atmosphere - A catalog for Meteor packages, resources and tools.
- Bullet Proof Meteor - Online course for Meteor performance in production
- Meteor-Cookbook - Meteor Cookbook
Your contributions are always welcome!