- 2
-j and --json flag is missing in 1.2.5
#112 opened by nitrocode - 0
Show the path for the match
#108 opened by yarikoptic - 0
Encoding ISO-8859-1 is not supported
#105 opened by alexismanuel - 3
panic: strings: negative Repeat count
#103 opened by sheeeng - 0
Bad xpath argument causes nil dereference
#73 opened by gharris1727 - 0
- 0
CSS Selectors Support
#16 opened by sibprogrammer - 1
format svg error
#75 opened by QiWei - 10
- 1
Unrecognized HTML entity: `©` while running xq command using `curl` command
#71 opened by lulunac27a - 7
Windows Support
#30 opened by mloskot - 0
- 1
Unable to render XML version 1.1.
#15 opened by sibprogrammer - 2
xq output missing
#52 opened by matthiasbock - 0
- 1
invalid output for (some?) nested tags
#57 opened by tmancill - 5
- 1
question on xml fusion
#53 opened by fredmo - 0
Add support for modifying nodes like in jq
#51 opened by ghostbuster91 - 2
- 2
- 1
- 4
- 1
Support --indent 0
#41 opened by jappaleinen - 1
Please rename project
#38 opened by otheus - 3
Incorrect expansion of "xml" namespace
#37 opened by fooflington - 2
- 9
Allow CSS selectors to return the full html content, not just the text within it.
#20 opened by 0xdevalias - 5
AIX build / binary
#32 opened by bmarwell - 1
Indentation is odd
#31 opened by exploide - 2
Automatic pagination does not work
#29 opened by mloskot - 1
Error message for "invalid token" is confusing
#28 opened by scfc - 1
Question re extracting data from xml
#27 opened by Justinzobel - 1
Snap Support
#13 opened by sibprogrammer - 0
Xquery Sets unsupported
#26 opened by koehn - 6
Parsing bug (unable to parse valid XML)
#21 opened by xxxserxxx - 0
- 5
- 1
Directives are dropped from XML when using xq
#23 opened by nworms - 1
HTML Multiline comments
#18 opened by yene - 1
Space removed between tag and bracket
#17 opened by markk - 0
Automatic Detection of XML vs HTML
#14 opened by sibprogrammer - 0
HTML Formatter
#11 opened by sibprogrammer - 0
Disable colorful output
#10 opened by sibprogrammer - 0
- 0
- 0
PI attribute values are not highlighted
#7 opened by sibprogrammer - 0
- 0
- 0