- 1
- 1
how to do high availability?
#282 opened by michaelxu1107 - 0
- 1
- 4
- 1
AttributeError: 'PersistentScheduler' object has no attribute 'lock_key'
#276 opened by zardamhussain - 3
New release?
#278 opened by iggy - 4
Redbeat starts executing tasks after a certain cooldown or doesn't even execute it
#277 opened by Fundi1330 - 6
- 0
Tasks over 5 Minutes
#275 opened by dajor - 0
High Availability?
#271 opened by odie5533 - 6
Updated to 2.1.1 from 2.0.0 now it fails to run.
#251 opened by hvdklauw - 0
- 1
Conda packages for version higher than 2.0.0
#269 opened by aparnapr121 - 2
New bugfix release
#265 opened by DArtagan - 3
redis_url is not recognized
#268 opened by piotrsynowiec - 0
- 1
[Question] Ensuring task is scheduled
#263 opened by vitormhenrique - 3
The distributed lock set to None failed
#253 opened by hotwater9 - 1
RedisCluster is on EOL
#260 opened by XayOn - 0
NoneType object has no attribute total_seconds
#259 opened by tarantelot - 0
tzinfo utcoffset taking None as parameter
#255 opened by atifshafihpe - 0
Support for limit run option to avoid delay tasks that previous not finished
#254 opened by softrebel - 3
"LockNotOwnedError: Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned" When laptop goes to sleep.
#218 opened by Cediddi - 3
Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned
#230 opened by cikay - 2
Redbeat doesn't work with celery 5.3.0
#249 opened by clementb49 - 0
- 3
Celery 5.3.0rc1 not useable with redbeat anymore.
#244 opened by venomone - 1
Redbeat do not support ZoneInfo classes (PEP-615)
#219 opened by Cediddi - 5
Redis connection errors during lock acquision causes duplicate schedulers to run at once
#208 opened by nigel-gott - 2
Redbeat doesn't work with sentinel
#211 opened by HungPhann - 1
- 2
What happens to tasks when redis goes down or you wat to get bigger redis server?
#220 opened by thisiseddy-ab - 3
Latest Honest Status
#226 opened by ja-gooding - 7
New release?
#235 opened by anton-petrov - 1
- 0
- 5
- 0
Reschedule does not work correctly.
#232 opened by cikay - 0
- 0
- 1
readbeat deleted task still running on celery
#197 opened by AhmMontasser - 0
- 4
`due_at` date calculation appears to be incorrect
#210 opened by simonk52 - 3
- 2
Adding tasks dynamically in redbeat
#200 opened by aixue0909 - 1
redis dead lock will always acquiring lock...
#212 opened by sankforever - 1
Django Admin Integration
#207 opened by ashishkosh - 0
Support for Celery 4+ sentinel:// urls
#199 opened by ns-dthorman - 0