Canva Apps SDK starter kit Helper

This repository is intended as a supplementary resource, not a replacement for the Canva APP SDK Starter Kit available at While this repository offers suggestions for developing multiple Canva apps, it is crucial to adhere to the instructions provided in the official starter kit.

Streamlining Development for Multiple Apps

While the starter kit repo ( is fantastic for a single app, what if you're itching to create multiple applications or prefer keeping your app code in a different repository? Here's a neat approach:

  1. Organize Your Code: Create a new repo specifically for your Canva Applications code. Each application gets its dedicated folder within this repository.

  2. Custom Development Setup: Within each app folder, craft a file with commands to copy your .env and link your app.tsx to the starter kit. This ensures a smooth development process.

cp ./.env ../../canva-apps-sdk-starter-kit/.env && \
ln -f ./app.tsx ../../canva-apps-sdk-starter-kit/src/app.tsx && \
cd ../../canva-apps-sdk-starter-kit/ && \
npm start
  1. Configure Package.json: In each app folder, set up a package.json file with the necessary scripts.
  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {"start": "source"}

By adopting this approach, you can seamlessly work on different apps, pushing only the relevant code into your repository. This decoupling from the starter kit allows for a flexible and organized development process. Happy coding!

Step 1: Start the local development server

To start the boilerplate's development server, run the following command from the application folder:

npm start

The server becomes available at http://localhost:8080.

Step 2: Preview the app

The local development server only exposes a JavaScript bundle, so you can't preview an app by visiting http://localhost:8080. You can only preview an app via the Canva editor.

To preview an app:

  1. Create an app via the Developer Portal.
  2. Select App source > Development URL.
  3. In the Development URL field, enter the URL of the development server.
  4. Click Preview. This opens the Canva editor (and the app) in a new tab.
  5. Click Use. (This screen only appears when when using an app for the first time.)

The app will appear in the side panel.

(Optional) Step 3: Enable Hot Module Replacement

By default, every time you make a change to an app, you have to reload the entire app to see the results of those changes. If you enable Hot Module Replacement (HMR), changes will be reflected without a full reload, which significantly speeds up the development loop.

Note: HMR does not work while running the development server in a Docker container.

To enable HMR:

  1. Navigate to the Your apps page.

  2. Copy the ID of an app from the App ID column.

  3. In the starter kit's .env file:

    1. Set CANVA_APP_ID to the ID of the app.

    For example:

  4. Restart the local server.


As in

Navigate into the starter kit:

cd canva-apps-sdk-starter-kit

Run the following command:

npm run build

An app.js file will appear in the dist directory.