An iOS module you can use in your app to offer cool transport stuff to your users.
Parameters | Type | Required | Description | Example |
TravelUI.shared.token | String | ✓ | Navitia token (generate a token on | 0de19ce5-e0eb-4524-a074-bda3c6894c19 |
TravelUI.shared.mainColor | UIColor | ✗ | To set the background and the journey's duration colors | by default UIColor(red: 64/255, green: 149/255, blue: 142/255, alpha: 1) |
TravelUI.shared.originColor | UIColor | ✗ | To set the color of the origin icon and the roadmap departure bloc | by default UIColor(red: 0, green: 187/255, blue: 117/255, alpha: 1) |
TravelUI.shared.destinationColor | UIColor | ✗ | To set the color of the destination icon and the roadmap arrival bloc | by default UIColor(red: 176/255, green: 3/255, blue: 83/255, alpha: 1) |
TravelUI.shared.multiNetwork | Boolean | ✗ | To set the display of the network name in the roadmap | by default false |
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
TravelUI.shared.initialize(token: "my-token")
TravelUI.shared.mainColor = UIColor(red: 64.0/255, green: 149.0/255, blue: 142.0/255, alpha: 1)
TravelUI.shared.originColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 187.0/255, blue: 117.0/255, alpha: 1)
TravelUI.shared.destinationColor = UIColor(red: 176.0/255, green: 3.0/255, blue: 83.0/255, alpha: 1)
TravelUI.shared.multiNetwork = true
return true
Parameters | Type | Required | Description | Example |
originId | String | ✓ | Origin coordinates, following the format lon;lat |
"2.3665844;48.8465337" |
destinationId | String | ✓ | Destination coordinates, following the format lon;lat |
"2.2979169;48.8848719" |
originLabel | String | ✗ | Origin label, if not set the address will be displayed | "Home" |
destinationLabel | String | ✗ | Destination label, if not set the address will be displayed | "Work" |
datetime | Date | ✗ | Requested date and time for journey results | Date() |
datetimeRepresents | String | ✗ | Can be .departure (journeys after datetime) or .arrival (journeys before datetime). |
.departure |
forbiddenUris | [String] | ✗ | Used to avoid lines, modes, networks, etc in the Journey search (List of navitia uris) | ["commercial_mode:Bus", "line:1"] |
allowedId | [String] | ✗ | If you want to use only a small subset of the public transport objects in the Journey search (List of navitia uris) | ["commercial_mode:Bus", "line:1"] |
firstSectionModes | [Enum] | ✗ | List of modes to use at the begining of the journey | [.walking, .car, .bike, .bss, .ridesharing] |
lastSectionModes | [Enum] | ✗ | List of modes to use at the end of the journey | [.walking, .car, .bike, .bss, .ridesharing] |
count | Integer | ✗ | The number of journeys that will be displayed | 3 |
minNbJourneys | Integer | ✗ | The minimum number of journeys that will be displayed | 3 |
maxNbJourneys | Integer | ✗ | The maximum number of journeys that will be displayed | 10 |
addPoiInfos | [Enum] | ✗ | Allow the display of the availability in real time for bike share and car park | [.bss_stands, .car_park] |
directPath | Enum | ✗ | To indicate if the journey is direct | .only |
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Init a set of parameters
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.originLabel = "My Home"
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.walking, .car, .bike, .bss, .ridesharing]
journeysRequest.addPoiInfos = [.bssStands, .carPark]
journeysRequest.count = 5
let bundle = Bundle(identifier: "org.cocoapods.TravelUI")
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Journey", bundle: bundle)
let journeyResultsViewController = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as! ListJourneysViewController
journeyResultsViewController.journeysRequest = journeysRequest
// Invoke the screen using a navigation controller
navigationController?.pushViewController(journeyResultsViewController, animated: true)
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.bike]
journeysRequest.lastSectionModes = [.bike]
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.bss]
journeysRequest.lastSectionModes = [.bss]
journeysRequest.addPoiInfos = [.bssStands]
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.car]
journeysRequest.addPoiInfos = [.car_park]
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.ridesharing]
journeysRequest.lastSectionModes = [.ridesharing]
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Check out the TravelUI iOS License here.