Todo App

This is a simple todo app with spring boot and react.
You can register and login to the app and see your todo list.
You can just run this app following the instructions below.

Start Client Project



npm install --prefix client


npm run dev --prefix client

Quick Start

cd client && chmod +x && bash

Just run this script to install and run the client project.

Start Server Project


Docker Compose up

docker compose -f server/dev/docker-compose.yml up --build -d


chmod +x ./server/gradlew && ./server/gradlew build --project-dir server


java -jar ./server/build/libs/server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Quick Start

cd server && chmod +x && bash

Just run this script to install and run the server project.

Enter to Site


login page

You will see the login page.

register page

You can register in this page.

todo page

You can see your todo list in this page.

Deploy with AWS

This project is automatically deployed to AWS with github actions.

To do this, you need to enroll variables as secrets in github actions.

# common
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your aws access key id
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your aws secret access key
AWS_REGION=your aws region

# server
APPLICATION_PROD_YML=your base64 encoded application-prod.yml
AWS_S3_DEPLOY_MAIN_BUCKET_NAME=your s3 deploy bucket name
AWS_CODEDEPLOY_MAIN_APP_NAME=your codedeploy app name
AWS_CODEDEPLOY_MAIN_GROUP_NAME=your codedeploy group name

# client
AWS_S3_CLIENT_MAIN_BUCKET_NAME=your s3 client bucket name
AWS_CLOUDFRONT_MAIN_DISTRIBUTION_ID=your cloudfront distribution id

Enroll this variable to github actions secret.

If you don't enroll this variable, CD workflow will be broken. if you want to run only locally, don't care about workflow failure.