中文 (因为目前代码组织得非常烂,仅仅是个玩具,如果有Item 增删操作的话最好不要用进项目,因为predictive动画并不支持。当初只是模仿着写,对RV的一整套东西并没有理解很透彻)
A long long time ago ,i was inspired by this project android-pile-layout ,the author cannot find the appropriate math model with LayoutManager .Now i have some spare time and try to do the UI with layoutManager,barely ok with the result.
this is the relevant blog ,i hope it helps to understanding it
download(vertical support)
If you don't care about item ADD REMOVE operation, this is what you want, because predictive animation is not supported yet,otherwise take care!
Config config = new Config();
config.secondaryScale = 0.8f;
config.scaleRatio = 0.5f;
config.maxStackCount = 3;
config.initialStackCount = 2;
config.space = 70;
config.parallex = 1.5f;//parallex factor
config.align= Align.RIGHT
recyclerview.setLayoutManager(new StackLayoutManager(config));
recyclerview.setAdapter(new StackAdapter(datas));