Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
Pinned issues
- 0
Failed to load Boot after installation
#869 opened by c1tt1 - 0
Mirror to
#868 opened by kaovilai - 0
Support `VMwareGfx.kext` loading to the `vmware-svga` video device (and increase `vgamem_mb`).
#867 opened by hurryman2212 - 0
System freezes during boot after installation.
#866 opened by damiandudycz - 1
gtk initialization failed
#862 opened by ademirtug - 2
Where Do I Increase RAM?
#864 opened by xeon826 - 0
Unable to run in proxmox LXE container (/dev/kdm no such file or directory)
#865 opened by Aholicknight - 0
- 2
Getting Catalina instead of Sonoma
#861 opened by lightspect - 2
- 10
Not Working anymore
#833 opened by clearclown - 9
Docker does not start: (qemu) gtk initialization failed
#787 opened by ennrl - 2
double cursor + no sound - windows 11
#843 opened by viniolt - 0
- 3
Could not initialize ADC
#854 opened by icutool - 1
Docker images `naked`, `auto` etc do not exist
#858 opened by Fmstrat - 2
in memory panic stackshot succed PROBLEM
#846 opened by JamJestMax - 0
Unable to Run Imported Container (Sonoma)
#859 opened by gyoussef55 - 2
curl: (3) URL rejected: Port number was not a decimal number between 0 and 65535
#839 opened by zhlicen - 7
- 0
Export for qemu usage outside docker?
#853 opened by nreith - 0
- 2
macOS containers not responding in VNC
#849 opened by leijiru1994 - 1
#847 opened by kennet31526 - 0
Mouse does not work
#844 opened by daniiii5 - 69
Docker Image disappeared
#799 opened by techNomad24 - 1
docker: Error response from daemon: error gathering device information while adding custom device "/dev/kvm": not a device node.
#841 opened by lcj85 - 4
Cannot change VNC password
#789 opened by shwuhk - 1
- 1
Failed to connect to port 443 after 6 ms: Couldn't connect to server
#831 opened by wxp0821 - 4
Cannot download mac_hdd_ng_auto_monterey.img?
#830 opened by qy2009 - 1
#785 opened by MimouTheGoat - 0
how to add a .vhdx file in command: 'docker run?'
#834 opened by kagg886 - 2
- 1
Does it support shared clipboard with the host?
#798 opened by fedezuc - 1
is it working pytorch?
#815 opened by johnnynunez - 1
- 3
auth failed to write file private
#829 opened by matrix3d - 4
Docker build error.
#828 opened by kushhh01 - 0
- 1
cannot downlaod the docker image
#820 opened by Alimjoo - 1
- 0
Failing to connect to internet at installation
#788 opened by reinaldoborin - 3
gtk initialization failed (Possibly ALSA Related)
#791 opened by tokenwizard - 0
`monterey` installation stuck on `powerd[187]: Assertion ClientDied. Type:UserIsActive Name: 'Bluetooth Fatal Error` Id:0x9000080cc Process:bluetoothd [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDIsp]`
#795 opened by eval-exec - 1
Base system disk do not appear
#784 opened by arturmoraes - 0
Is it ok to run the container using wsl2 native docker without Docker for Windows ?
#793 opened by nicevlhjfihtqngkldl - 0
fix for "error gathering device information while adding custom device "/dev/kvm": no such file or directory."
#786 opened by fluffy-git - 1
Security Concerns!!
#782 opened by harniiil - 0