
LubeLogger is a web-based vehicle maintenance and fuel mileage tracker

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Self-Hosted, Open-Source, Web-Based Vehicle Maintenance and Fuel Mileage Tracker

Website: https://lubelogger.com


Because nobody should have to deal with a homemade spreadsheet or a shoebox full of receipts when it comes to vehicle maintenance.


Promotional Brochure



Try it out before you download it! The live demo resets every 20 minutes.

Live Demo Login using username "test" and password "1234"


LubeLogger is available as both a Docker Image and a Windows Standalone Executable.

Read this Getting Started Guide on how to download either of them

Docker Setup (Manual Build for Advanced Users)

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone this repo
  3. CHECK culture in .env file, default is en_US, also setup SMTP for user management if you want that.
  4. Run docker build -t lubelogger -f Dockerfile .
  5. CHECK docker-compose.yml and make sure the mounting directories look correct.
  6. If using traefik, use docker-compose.traefik.yml
  7. Run docker-compose up

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Troubleshooting Guide

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  • Bootstrap
  • LiteDB
  • Npgsql
  • Bootstrap-DatePicker
  • SweetAlert2
  • CsvHelper
  • Chart.js
  • Drawdown


LubeLogger utilizes a dual-licensing model, see License for more information


Support this project by Subscribing on Patreon or Making a Donation

Note: Commercial users are required to maintain an active Patreon subscripton to be compliant with our licensing model.