
A telegram bot designed to track expenses.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT  Telegram


This is a telegram bot that allows you to manage your finances on a local .xlsx file and add, delete, create an expense list, show charts and set budgets with alerts. In addition, you can synchronize it with Google Sheets.




What's new

  • πŸ“ Local .xlsx file management: now by default all saved, deleted expenses, charts and lists are produced locally, under your control.
  • 🌐 Sync with Google Sheet: you can synchronize the last expenses you entered in your local .xlsx directly to Google Sheets.
    • Automatic sync: a background task wakes up every few minutes (configurable) and sync new expenses (if there are any new ones) with your Google Sheets. You can enable or disable Google Sheets synchronization via the βš™οΈ Settings command.
  • All operations are now extremely faster because of the work being done locally. Google's API is very slow, so a batch synchronization of expenses is the best solution to ensure maximum responsiveness.
  • βš™οΈTo improve readability and maintenance, the code was split into modules.
  • πŸ’° Budgeting Feature: You can now set a budget for different expense categories and track your spending against these budgets.
    • Receive notifications when your spending exceeds the set budget for any category. You can enable or disable budget notifications via the βš™οΈ Settings command.
  • Docker image
  • Mermaid-based state diagram

Next features

  • Initial decision screen between Google Sheets and save data locally in .csv format with ability to export and share (for those not planning to use gsheet)
  • Improve the speed of execution for the elimination of an expense
  • Simplify the code and make it more modular
  • Creation of budgets with alerts if exceeded
  • Docker image
  • Income management
  • Cash account
  • Investments


  • ✏️ Add expense with two dependent lists, category and subcategory.
  • ❌ Delete expense with pagination to go back through older expenses.
  • πŸ“Š Charts of four types: yearly and monthly breakdowns, trends, and heatmaps.
  • πŸ“‹ List to displays a summary of expenses for the current year.
  • πŸ’° Budget set a budget for different expense categories.
  • βš™οΈ Settings show the system settings (currently Google Sheet sync and budget alerts).


  • Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/sickmz/microw.git
cd microw
  • Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  • Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a Google Service Account

    • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
    • Create a new project or select an existing one.
    • Enable the Google Sheet Api for this project.
    • Navigate to the "APIs & Services" > "Credentials" section.
    • Click "Create credentials" > "Service account".
    • Fill in the service account details and click "Create".
    • Click "Furnish a new private key" > "JSON" > "Create". The JSON file will be downloaded automatically.
    • Rename the downloaded file to credentials.json and place it in the root directory of the project.
    • Share your spreadsheet with the email of Google Service Account.
  • Environments configurations: create a .env file in the root directory of the project with touch .env

  • Open the .env file in a text editor and add the following lines, replacing the placeholders with your actual values:



Make sure to add .env and credentials.json to your .gitignore file to prevent accidental commits.


  1. Start a conversation with the bot on telegram.
  2. Use the /start command to initiate interaction.
  3. Choose an action: ✏️ Add, ❌ Delete, πŸ“Š Charts, πŸ“‹ List, πŸ’° Budget or βš™οΈ Settings.
  4. Follow the bot's prompts.


I recommend setting a /cancel command on BotFather to interrupt a workflow (e.g., stop entering an expense).

Mermaid-based state diagram

To see how this diagram is made you can look at this file.

flowchart TB
    A(("start")):::entryPoint --> B("Authorize User")
    B --> |"Authorized"| C(("Show Main Menu")):::state
    B --> |"Not Authorized"| End(("END")):::termination
    C --> |"✏️ Add"| D("Select Category"):::state
    C --> |"❌ Delete"| E("Check Expenses"):::state
    C --> |"πŸ“Š Charts"| F("Select Chart Type"):::state
    C --> |"πŸ“‹ List"| G("Generate Expense List"):::state
    C --> |"πŸ’° Budget"| H("Select Budget Action"):::state
    C --> |"βš™οΈ Settings"| I("Show Settings"):::state

    D --> J(("Select Subcategory"))
    J --> K(("Enter Price"))
    K --> L(("Save Expense"))
    L --> C

    E --> |"No expenses"| O(("No Expenses Message"))
    E --> |"Expenses exist"| P(("Show Paginated Expenses"))
    O --> C
    P --> C

    F --> |"Pie"| Q(("Generate Pie Chart"))
    F --> |"Histogram"| R(("Generate Histogram"))
    F --> |"Trend"| S(("Generate Trend Chart"))
    F --> |"Heatmap"| T(("Generate Heatmap"))
    Q --> C
    R --> C
    S --> C
    T --> C

    G --> U(("Generate Expense List"))
    U --> C

    H --> |"Set"| V(("Select Budget Category"))
    H --> |"Show"| W(("Show Budgets"))
    V --> X(("Enter Budget Amount"))
    W --> C
    X --> C

    I --> Y(("Show Settings"))
    Y --> Z(("Handle Settings Choice"))
    Z --> C

    subgraph Main
        A1 --> C
    style A fill:#00FF00,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px
    style B fill:#726000,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px
    style End fill:#FF0000,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px
    classDef state fill:#88443f,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:1px
    classDef entryPoint fill:#009c11, stroke:#42FF57, color:#ffffff
    classDef termination fill:#bb0007, stroke:#E60109, color:#ffffff

(Optional) Run with Docker

The command docker compose up -d will automatically build the docker image, just make sure to pass the .env file and credentials.json as volumes. In the repo I uploaded a sample of docker-compose.yaml. To install Docker look at this gist.

(Optional) Setting as Systemd Service:

  1. Create a new systemd service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/microw.service
  1. Copy the following content into the file:

ExecStart=/home/$USER/code-server/workspace/microw/venv/bin/python3 main.py

  1. Replace the ExecStart and WorkingDirectory paths with the actual paths to your script and project directory.

  2. Reload the systemd daemon, enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable microw.service
sudo systemctl start microw.service


You can check the status of the service by typing sudo systemctl status microw.service


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.