
UE Youtube channel - ARG - keys used not valid for the challenge.

Primary LanguagePython

Challenge Repository - LVL 03

Welcome to the Challenge Repository! In this repository, you can participate in our challenge and decrypt the gift card code using various methods. You have three options to get started: https://www.youtube.com/@UpperEchelon

  1. Emulate the Environment Locally (Linux):

    • Ensure that you have Python 3 and pip 3 installed on your Linux computer.
    • Install the following packages using pip:
      • pycryptodome
      • cryptography
    • Once the dependencies are installed, you can run the decrypt.py Python code locally.
  2. Use a VPS (Virtual Private Server):

    • Set up a VPS environment of your choice.
    • Follow the instructions for emulating the environment locally mentioned above.
    • Run the decrypt.py Python code on your VPS.
  3. Use the Pyodide Web Console:

    • Visit https://pyodide.org/en/stable/console.html in your web browser.
    • Edit the script with your puzzle findings.
    • Replace the appropriate fillers in the code snippet below with your values:
      from Crypto.Cipher import AES
      from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
      import base64
      def decrypt_text(ciphertext, key, iv):
          cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
          ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext)
          decrypted_text = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)
          return unpad(decrypted_text, AES.block_size).decode()
      # Hardcoded ciphertext, key, and IV
      ciphertext = "0mTCer3lrcwtMyf4AysTuOHe9ngD43P+8jiIsbcX52U="  # change this! Find it!
      key = bytes.fromhex('76AB7CADC042E18917F08BE4734A0D1BF378FAA025BC380A734B3AC080A48EC3')  # Convert key to bytes, 256 bit Key! find it!
      iv = bytes.fromhex('56EC429BA8896D194E8FABA7C5EA4761')  # Convert IV to bytes, 128 bit Key! Find it.
          decrypted_text = decrypt_text(ciphertext, key, iv)
          print("Decrypted Text:", decrypted_text)
      except Exception as e:  # If this occurs, the IV or Key is wrong.
          print("Error occurred during decryption:", str(e))
    • Paste the modified code into the Pyodide console.
    • Press Enter twice to run the code and see the decrypted text.

Additionally, we provide a hosted web app for those who prefer a more comfortable experience. The chosen encryption method used is AES-256-CBC. To decrypt the gift card code, you'll need the following parts:

We encourage participants to learn more about encryption and its impact on privacy. Happy decrypting!


If you're new to encryption or want to enhance your knowledge, here are some resources you might find helpful:


Welcome to Level 04 of the game! Brace yourself, as things are about to get more complicated. This level will be extremely difficult, but fear not, as you have a few tools at your disposal to aid you in your quest.

Video Puzzle

The key components required to progress are hidden within the video. Pay close attention and solve the puzzle within to move forward. It might not be easy, but your determination will guide you.

Claimable Bitcoin Wallet

We have introduced a new method for delivering the bounty – a claimable bitcoin wallet. You can track the wallet (18sNbdgVyzWj8FJh17zehprYPkq6UqK6kX) to know when someone claims the prize and removes it from the wallet. If the bounty is still in the wallet, it means it remains unclaimed. The private key for this wallet will be revealed at the end of the puzzle.

Github Repository

Explore the Github repository for relevant information regarding this level. It contains valuable resources that might assist you in your journey. Take the time to delve into the repository and uncover its secrets.

Discord Community

Join our active bounty hunters' Discord community to connect with like-minded individuals. Remember to maintain respect and uphold a friendly environment. We are all here to have fun, as the game is still a work in progress. Your active participation in the community can enhance the overall experience.

Hyper Relevant Resources

To aid you in your quest, make sure to utilize the following hyper-relevant resources:

Wield these resources wisely and good luck on your Level 04 adventure!