
This is a small project in C that implements a pool of threads to perform a task concurrently.

Primary LanguageC

This is a Thread Pool implementation to manage several threads to perform a task concurrently.

In order to show how this project work a test that finds if a number is prime or not was provided.

For this project, the files: task.c, task.h, task_queue.h, thread_pool.h and test_thread_pool.c where provided by the teacher.
I had to implement the files: task_queue.c and thread_pool.c

The ADT called Thread Pool was made with a structure that has:
* the pool of threads itself as an array of p_thread pointers.
* the queue of tasks: a synchronized queue also implemented.
* a counter for the amount of threads that are in the pool.
* a counter of the finished threads, to handle the destruction of the thread pool.
* a mutex, to modify synchronously the variable of the already finished ones.
* a variable that indicates that the execution of a thread must be finished.

This was implemented with a Producer-Consumer approach:

task_consum: this is the function that each thread use to take tasks continously from the task queue that is already synchronized. (Consumer)

thread_pool_create: creates a thread pool ready to use, in which each thread will execute the function task_consum until it receives the signal that it has to finish.

thread_pool_execute_task: this is a simple function that adds tasks to the task queue. (Producer)

thread_pool_destroy: it sends the signal to all the threads that they have to finish, and after checking that everything is ready to finish it destroys the thread pool.

There is a critial section within the thread pool, in the task_consum function.
After the must finish signal is sent, all the threads are not allowed to get into that while, and they must say if they finished adding 1 to the counter of finished threads, and this has to be done synchronously, that's why I used a mutex.

The ADT synchronized task queue was also implemented.

The synchronization was important when several threads try to perform the following operations:
* when the queue is full: In this case the producer should not be able to add more tasks.
* when the queue is empy: In this case the consumer should not be able to take more tasks.
If this is not handled properly, there might be errors when updating the information contained in the structures of this data types.

To solve this, we used the libraries pthread.h and semaphore.h which have useful tools to control the critical sections of our algorithms, such as pthread_mutex_t and sem_t.
Both of them were used in the task_queue_pop and task_queue_push functions to control the access of each thread to the critical section that process the input and output of the queue.