Pinned issues
- 5
- 13
semantic segmantation
#25 opened by sumedhsonu - 6
How to use my own pictures for 3D reconstruction
#29 opened by jly0810 - 12
3D face not in the center
#28 opened by fungtion - 1
- 0
how to use own data to do
#34 opened by xuming0629 - 0
Can't run native Tensorflow runtime
#31 opened by oo92 - 5
Landmark detection
#9 opened by cravisjan97 - 0
About Code Source
#18 opened by jolt2017 - 1 not found
#26 opened by huang1030 - 1
about the result with neck
#23 opened by MontaEllis - 3
about preprocessing
#15 opened by MontaEllis - 1
Can I use it with my own picture?
#13 opened by Augnine - 2
render face disalignment with the input face
#24 opened by miaoYuanyuan - 3
expression Manipulation
#12 opened by WangYanru-NJU - 5
How are the ear masks generated ?
#11 opened by sahilsid - 1 undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow12OpDefBuilder4AttrESs
#8 opened by sahilsid - 3
How to finetune the reconstruction network with the render code and provided pd model
#16 opened by hjy1312 - 2
about the face geometry.
#22 opened by miaoYuanyuan - 1
What's the mean of the depth?
#19 opened by tjusxh - 1
Training Code
#14 opened by danperazzo - 1
Head Pose Manipulation
#10 opened by sahilsid - 4
Issue with
#4 opened by cravisjan97 - 4
- 1
About tf_mesh_render
#3 opened by taylorlu - 1
Does your code generate textured meshes?
#5 opened by cravisjan97 - 1