
Mapping between Apertium's morphosyntactic tags and the LexInfo Ontology.

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Mapping between Apertium's morphosyntactic tags and the LexInfo Ontology.

Source data of Apertium: https://github.com/apertium/apertium-trunk

Relevant files and documentation:

  • apertium-lexinfo-tags-mappings.csv, apertium-lexinfo-tags-mappings.tsv. Triple replacement instructions to apply to an intermediate shallow RDF conversion, which serves as mapping of Apertium tags to LexInfo and UD tags.

  • Apertium_POS-UD_tag.tsv Mapping of Apertium POS tags and UD tags. No information on LexInfo mappings.

  • Table in Markdown at the bottom of this Readme.md. Clustering of the different POS tags in Apertium, individuals in Lexinfo, and UD tags according to POS tag categories. The purpose is to show the heterogeneity of tags per category.

  • docs\Apertium POS differences.md Analysis of those cases in which we find a POS tag in the source language entry and a different POS tag in the target language entry in the RDF conversion.

  • docs\Analysis_of_multiple_labels_per_Apertium_tag.xlsx List and analysis of those tags in Apertium with multiple labels. The purpose of this table was to detect potential different interpretations of the same tag across dictionaries.

  • docs\multiple_tag_diffs.tsv List of entries in Apertium with more than one Apertium tag in the source entry, along with source entry and target entry tags.

  • docs\multiple_tag_diffs(tags_only).tsv Same information as the previous file, but only with tag combinations (no lemmas and duplicates removed)

  • docs\Analysis_tag_differences.md Analysis of the previous two files.

Methodology and steps:

  1. The list of tags extracted from Apertium data was taken as basis for the mapping. This extraction was performed at the Applied Computational Linguistics Group (ACoLi) at Goethe University Frankfurkt, see : https://github.com/acoli-repo/acoli-dicts/blob/master/stable/apertium

  2. Individual by individual (or tag by tag), by relying on the rdf:label(s), a match in LexInfo was manually searched. See below for details on this.

    Update July 2020: manual addition of tags to this initial list of mappings, on the basis of Apertium's List of Symbols: https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/List_of_symbols

  3. This CVS/TSV (apertium-lexinfo-tags-mappings.csv) does not explicitly provide equivalence relations between Apertium individuals and LexInfo individuals, but triple replacement instructions to apply to an intermediate shallow RDF conversion (see Donandt, K., and Chiarcos, C. (2019)). Sometimes an Apertium individual will indeed be replaced by its LexInfo individual (if available), but this does not hold for all rows.

Apertium individuals occur as object of lexinfo:morphosyntacticProperty in the intermediate RDF. The CVS provides "predicate - object" pairs for each of those Apertium tags acting as object. That is, if a row of the the CVS reads apertium:acc, lexinfo:case, lexinfo:accusativeCase, this row is intended to guide this update:

##  Intermediate RDF
?subject lexinfo:morphosyntacticProperty apertium:acc . 

##  Expected result after update
?subject lexinfo:case lexinfo:accusativeCase .    

Sometimes a single tag in Apertium is mapped to different ones in LexInfo (the tag "bundles" a set of features). This is indicated in the CVS just by adding different rows with the same Apertium tag and several mappings to LexInfo. For example, here we have a tag for a third person singular possesive suffix:

apertium:PxSg3, lexinfo:person, lexinfo:thirdPerson
apertium:PxSg3, lexinfo:number, lexinfo:singular
apertium:PxSg3, lexinfo:referentType, lexinfo:possessive
apertium:PxSg3, lexinfo:termElement, lexinfo:suffix

When no 1:1 mapping is available, there are three scenarios:

  1. No documentation for the tag: the same predicate (lexinfo:morphosyntacticProperty) and the same individual (the Apertium individual) are left unchanged. This is the reason why some rows have the same value in the first and third column (apertium:ADB, lexinfo:morphosyntacticProperty, apertium:ADB) in the CVS.

INPUT NEEDED to map those tags!

  1. There is a mismatch in granularity with the potential LexInfo individual: for example, apertium:Comp is a very specific comparative, and in LexInfo we have lexinfo:comparative, with broader semantics. To preserve the specific comparative information without losing the link to LexInfo, we keep the apertium:Comp value in a triple, and add the LexInfo lexinfo:comparative individual as well.
  2. Mapping the tag to LexInfo would require to turn to a module of OntoLex-lemon to properly introduce the link. This only happens with syntactic frames in this list of tags.

For each POS tag, the following table provides ...

  1. The lexinfo individual(s) that are instantiated throughout the data to encode that POS
  2. The list of Apertium tags (varying in granularity) for that POS in the data
  3. The tag from the Universal Dependencies tagset.
POS Lexinfo Individual Apertium tag UD Tag
adjective adjective, presentParticipleAdjective, A, adj, ADJ, Der_las, pprs, short, sint ADJ
adposition adposition, postposition, preposition Adp, ADP, Po, post, pr, Pr, prep, Rabl, Racc, Rdat, Rgen, Rins, Rloc, Rnom ADP
adverb adverb adv, Adv, cnjadv, gna, preadv ADV
proper noun properNoun al, ant, cog, hyd, np, org, Org, pat, Prop, top PROPN
punctuation punctuation, comma, openParenthesis, questionMark, closeParenthesis apos, clb, CLB, cm, comma, dash, guio, lpar, lquest, lquot, percent, punct, quot, quote, rpar, rquot, sent PUNCT
determiner article, determiner, demonstrativeDeterminer art, det, DET, detnt, dst, predet, prx DET
conjunction conjunction cnj, conj CONJ
conjunction coordinatingConjunction CC, cnjcoo CCONJ
conjunction subordinatingConjunction cs, CS, cnjadv, cnjsub SCONJ
noun noun agnt, Der_eapmi, Der_muš, Der_vuohta, G3, n, N,Plc, subs NOUN
verb copula, verb cop, pron, Pron, sep, v, V, vbavea, vbdo, vbhaver, vblex, vbloc, vbser, VGen VERB
auxiliary verb verb, modal vaux, vbmod AUX
particle particle emph, mod, MOD, mod_ass, mod_ind, Pcle, qst, Qst, vpart PART
interjection interjection ij, interj INTJ
numeral numeral num, Num NUM
pronoun indefinitePronoun, interrogativePronoun, personalPronoun, pronoun, possessivePronoun, reflexivePersonalPronoun, relativePronoun, reciprocalPronoun, demonstrativePronoun def, dem, Dem, indef, itg, pers, Pers, pos, prn, qnt, ref, rel, res PRON


Julia Bosque-Gil (University of Zaragoza): Mapping Apertium-Lexinfo

Christian Chiarcos, Maxim Ionov (Goethe Universität Frankfurt): Extraction of tags from Apertium data https://github.com/acoli-repo/acoli-dicts/blob/master/stable/apertium/apertium.ttl

Original set of tags used in the Apertium family of dictionaries: https://github.com/apertium/apertium-trunk


Gracia, J., Villegas, M., Gomez-Perez, A., & Bel, N. (2018). The apertium bilingual dictionaries on the web of data. Semantic Web, 9(2), 231-240.

Donandt, K., & Chiarcos, C. (2019). Translation inference through multi-lingual word embedding similarity. In Proc. of TIAD-2019 Shared Task Translation Inference Across Dictionaries, at 2nd Language Data and Knowledge (LDK) conference. CEUR-WS.

Change log

Last updated by jubosgil on 2020-12-15.


  • Change column names in the csv and tsv files (to shorter, cleaner ones)
  • Correct UD tags to uppercase and remove superfluous spaces
  • Add Apertium_POS-UD_tag.tsv
  • Add analysis of the multiple labels for a given Apertium tag. The goal was to detect whether a single tag was used with a different meaning in at least one dictionary pair. See the summary table here.
  • Remove mappings from the tags apertium:mf and apertium:mfn (differences across languages). Now they are only introduced with a lexinfo:gender property but not mapped to lexinfo:masculine or lexinfo:feminine individuals. See the table mentioned above for details.
  • Update Readme.md and POS mapping summary table.
  • Add record of those entries which show multiple tags to compare tags of source entry and target entry, available here. The file multiple_tag_diffs(tags_only).tsv included in the same folder is another version of that table with only tag lists and removing duplicate rows.

2020-08 and 2020-09

  • Further analysis of the source of POS mismatches (see notes from past months) and curation of the mapping (e.g. apertium:nn does not always refer to a noun despite the label "Noun noun" in hbs-mkd and hbs-slv dictionary pairs)


  • Manual addition of missing tags to this initial list of mappings on the basis of Apertium's List of Symbols: https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/List_of_symbols
  • Some mappings are not included in the Apertium documentation, but now mappings listed there should be included here.
  • Analysis of POS differences source-target entries. See discussion here, extended with the analysis here
  • Curation of the mapping after Issue 1 and the analysis mentioned above


Added POS mapping summary table, including UD tag, to README.md