
This Project is about performing EDA on house prices dataset.

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This Project is about performing EDA on house prices dataset.


There are 1460 instances of training data and 1460 of test data. Total number of attributes equals 81, of which 36 are numerical, 43 are categorical + Id and SalePrice.

Numerical Features:

1stFlrSF, 2ndFlrSF, 3SsnPorch, BedroomAbvGr, BsmtFinSF1, BsmtFinSF2, BsmtFullBath, BsmtHalfBath, BsmtUnfSF, EnclosedPorch, Fireplaces, FullBath, GarageArea, GarageCars, GarageYrBlt, GrLivArea, HalfBath, KitchenAbvGr, LotArea, LotFrontage, LowQualFinSF, MSSubClass, MasVnrArea, MiscVal, MoSold, OpenPorchSF, OverallCond, OverallQual, PoolArea, ScreenPorch, TotRmsAbvGrd, TotalBsmtSF, WoodDeckSF, YearBuilt, YearRemodAdd, YrSold

Categorical Features:

Alley, BldgType, BsmtCond, BsmtExposure, BsmtFinType1, BsmtFinType2, BsmtQual, CentralAir, Condition1, Condition2, Electrical, ExterCond, ExterQual, Exterior1st, Exterior2nd, Fence, FireplaceQu, Foundation, Functional, GarageCond, GarageFinish, GarageQual, GarageType, Heating, HeatingQC, HouseStyle, KitchenQual, LandContour, LandSlope, LotConfig, LotShape, MSZoning, MasVnrType, MiscFeature, Neighborhood, PavedDrive, PoolQC, RoofMatl, RoofStyle, SaleCondition, SaleType, Street, Utilitif