
Primary LanguageJavaScript


An app where users can post a football session when you need a player last minute and other users on this app can chat and join in on the session. Allowing the football session to continue and this way the session isn't cancelled.

Created as I am passionate about football, and the main problem I faced when playing football weekly was people dropping out last minute.


Remote Hosting


  • Clone or download the repo
  • Open terminal and navigate to server folder
  • Input cd server in terminal to navigate to folder with Pipfile file
  • Run pipenv shell in terminal then pipenv install to install dependencies
  • Return to lowest directory by inputting cd .. in terminal
  • Navigate to client folder
  • Input cd client in terminal to navigate to folder with package.json file
  • Run npm install to install dependencies


  • Open a new terminal and navigate to server folder with command cd server
  • To run the server then input python manage.py runserver or python3 manage.py runserver in terminal
  • Return to base directory with input cd ..
  • Navigate to client folder with input cd client
  • Input npm run start this command will open client side to http://localhost:3000
  • To kill server input ctrl c in the live terminal



  • React
  • CSS
  • Firebase


  • Python
  • Django
  • SQLite
  • JWT


  • User account creation with Django including authentication & authorisation
  • Django REST framework to allow usage with a React frontend
  • Well designed UX/UI with alot of own logos
  • User profiles having default images, and allowing users to change their profile image and bio on app
  • User allowed to create and delete (only if the created the session) sessions
  • Filtering through sessions based on 'area' and 'difficulty'
  • Using React's conditional rendering to allow different renders depending on who is on the session
  • Conditional rendering on image buttons to allow for different images to be used and different classes
  • Utilising Firebase as a chat host and conditional rendering to make a dynamic chat (active users messages on the right)


  • Chat based functionality using WebSockets
  • Deploying images with Django

Future Features

  • Email confirmation
  • Use GoogleAPI to use map location of the session
  • Allow users to see who has joined their session
  • Notifications when a user joins a session, and that chatroom is updated