
An anonymous fact posting site where anyone can post a fact with a title and description, as well as reply with comments and gifs and react via emojis to existing posts.




  • Sidar
  • Ikenna
  • Luiz
  • Sarushan


Local Hosting

  • Clone or download the repo
  • Open the terminal and navigate to server folder
  • Input cd server in terminal to navigate to folder with package.json file
  • Run npm init -y to initialize dependencies
  • Run npm install to install dependencies

Remote Hosting


  • Run npm run dev in server folder to start with nodemon or npm start to run with node
  • To run client tests, cd into client folder and input npm test into terminal. For server tests, cd into server folder and input npm test into terminal. For respective coverage reports, input npm run coverage in the terminal


Front End:

  • JavaScript
  • Giphy API


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Cors
  • Nodemon

Wins and Challenges


  • Inserting Giphy API into client and being able to respond with gifs as comments.
  • Being able to push new data into the API and fetch data back to the client when webpage is refreshed.
  • Deploying out front-end to Netlify and backend to Heroku


  • Had difficulty in the beginning with linking our api to our client website.
  • There was a bug where adding and removing a reaction would update the counter on the webpage, but the api would not register removing the reaction. This was eventually fixed and we had it working as we originally planned.
  • Posting comments would only update on client site but would not update into the API. This was fixed and working as intended.

Future Features

  • A sort feature so people can sort through facts by most liked fact or most disliked fact.
  • Gif functionality when creating a post so gifs can appear in a post.
  • A searchbar were specific facts can be found by the input e.g Searching for 'fish' gathers all facts with 'fish' in the title