Re_BT_APP setup

Taking Inspiration from frida-gadget-injection

apktools should also be in path

frida-gadget United\ Power\ BT\ Notification_frida.apk --arch arm64

8. Sign APK. I used Uber APK signer

java -jar uber-apk-signer-1.3.0.jar -a ./mt-app/United\ Power\ BT\ Notification_frida/dist/United\ Power\ BT\ Notification_frida.apk

Push APK to Downloads of sdcard

adb push United\ Power\ BT\ Notification_frida/dist/United\ Power\ BT\ Notification_frida-aligned-debugSigned.apk /sdcard/Download

xz decompress frida server for android

xz -d -v frida-server-16.4.8-android-arm64.xz

rename frida-server

mv frida-server-16.4.8-android-arm64 frida-server

adb push frida-server

adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp/

On rooted android phone install busybox in /system/bin path

Open terminal emulator on the rooted android phone

su busybox chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/frida-server ./frida-server &

Back to the computer to check connection with the frida-server


check trace logs

frida-trace -U -i open -i strcmp -f com.lianhezhuli.btnotification

frida-server needs to be restarted upon phone restart

Trace the frame send methods in java with frida-trace

frida-trace -U -j '*!*sendCAPC*' -f com.lianhezhuli.btnotification

bellow send frame?

frida-trace -U -j '*!*sendCaptureData*' -f com.lianhezhuli.btnotification

to hook with scripts

frida -U -l privacy-view-hook.js -f com.lianhezhuli.btnotification