
A compiler for COOL written in python

Primary LanguagePython


A compiler for COOL (Classroom Object Oriented Language) programming language built entirely in Python.

Python-Cool is a compiler for COOL (Classroom Object Oriented Language) targeting the MIPS 32-bit Architecture and written entirely in Python 3. COOL is a small statically-typed object-oriented language that is type-safe and garbage collected. It has mainly 3 primitive data types: Integers, Strings and Booleans (true, false). It supports conditional and iterative control flow in addition to pattern matching.

Python-COOL comprises of two main components the front-end and back-end.

  • Compiler Frontend consists of the following three stages:

    • Lexical Analysis: regex-based tokenizer.
    • Syntax Analysis: An LALR(1) parser.
    • Semantic Analysis.
  • Compiler Backend consists of the following two stages:

    • Code Generation:
    • Targets the MIPS 32-bit architecture