Primary LanguageFortranOtherNOASSERTION


This is an implementation of Immersed Boundary Method for for exascale simulation of multiphase flow based on the Spectral Element Method Nek5000/CMTnek code. The Nek5000 was fast and scalable open source CFD solver developped at Argonne National Lab. CMTnek is compressible CFD solver developped from the University of Florida.


Visit the NekIBM User's Guide and the official Nek5000 user guide.



  • direct-forcing immersed boundary spectral element method for multiphase flow simulations
  • highly scalable parallel double binned ghost particle (DBGP) algorithm

Direct Numerical Simulation of Settling Particles


If you run into problems compiling, installing, or running NekIBM, first check the User's Guide.