
Discord Bot Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Discord Bot Project - Siddharth Gupta & Darrick He
  • We live in a city called Raincouver where we need to worry about sudden weather changes and we thought it would be nice to implement our own discord bot to help everyone out with this issue.
  • CasterBot is a your friendly neighbhorhood discord chat bot that helps checking the weather conditions of a city easier for discord users.
  • We are still in the process of developing CasterBot, so not all the user stories are implemented yet.

File Architecture:

  • Main files:

    • auth.json: Contains the bot Token.
    • package.json: Contains program description for node.js. Contains name, description, scripts etc.
    • bot.js: Main chat bot subroutine
    • modules.js: Contains modules used by Casterbot [In the modules DIRECTORY]
    • auth.json: Contains API Key and botID token
    • city.list.json: Array of cities
    • commands.json: Array of supported commands
  • Project Directory Tree:

       ├── data
       │	├── auth.json
       |	├── city.list.json
       |	└── commands.json
       ├── modules
       |	└── modules.js
       ├── bot.js
       ├── package.json
       ├── package-lock.json
       ├── README.md
       └── .gitignore

Installation :

  1. Clone repository onto your system.

  2. Make sure you have Node.js installed. You can download it from here.

  3. Once you have done both steps 1 and 2. Run the following command in the root directory of your repository.

    npm install This will install all the requiered dependencies you need to run CasterBot.

  4. Now while in the root directory run the command below to start running CasterBot while development.

    npm run dev

User stories:

  1. ?weather cityName : CasterBot returns the temperature[in Kelvin], humidity and a weather icon.
  2. ?weather -c cityName : CasterBot returns Temperature[in Celsius], humidity and a weather icon.
  3. ?weather -f cityName : CasterBot returns Temperature[in Farenheit], humidity and a weather icon.
  4. ?five day cast cityName : CasterBot returns next 5 days of weather stats.
  5. ?cast for tomorrow cityName : CasterBot returns next days weather stats.
  6. ?umbrella today cityName : CasterBot return a "carry an umbrella, you might need it!" if its raining, else returns "dont think so".

Documentation(s) of API(s):

OWM (Open Weather Map) API:

  • Code of Conduct OWM:

    1. Not recommended to use more than once every 10 minutes due to data being updated on server in 10 minute increments
    2. server name api.openweathermap.org. NEVER use the IP address of the server.
    3. Make API call using cityID if possible instead cityName, coordinates and zipcode. List of city ids is in the city.list.json file
    4. In the words of the OWM website:

    Please, mind that Free and Startup accounts have limited service availability. If you do not receive a response from the API, please, wait at least for 10 min and then repeat your request. We also recommend you to store your previous request.

  • OWM subscription:

After a certain amount of API call we will get a block from OWM and we will requiere to switch to a paid subscription. Block will be notified using a response to an API call. Respone format:

   "cod": 429,
   "message": "Your account is temporary blocked due to exceeding of requests limitation of your subscription type. Please choose the proper subscription http://openweathermap.org/price"
  • Examples of API Calls:
    1. OWM Current Data API: Get current weather data for a certain cityName.
  • Syntax:


  • E.g.



  • It is recommended to use cityIdinstead of cityName. We are going to use cityName and cityId as key-value pairs and will look up city.list.json for a coressponding cityId. If cityId is NOT found then we use the API call with cityName. we can call API with a cityId as follows:

  • Syntax:

  • api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?id=cityId&appid=appId

  • E.g.


Format of JSON response:

  "coord": {
  	"lon": City longitude
  	"lat": City latitude
  "weather": {
  	"id": Weather Condition ID
  	"main": Weather Parameter(s)
  	"description": Condition of weather parameter(S)
  	"icon": Weather icon id
  "base": Internal parameter
  "main": {
  	"temp": Temperature [Kelvin]
  	"pressure": Pressure on sea level or hPa
  	"humidity": Humidity percentage
  	"temp_min": Min. Temp. [Kelvin]
  	"temp_max": Max. Temp. [Kelvin]
  	"sea_level": Pressure on sea level [hPa]
  	"grnd_level": Pressure on ground level [hPa]
  "wind": {
  	"speed": Wind Speed [m/s]
  	"deg": Wind direction [meteorological degrees]
  "clouds": {
  	"all": Cloudiness %
  "rain": {
  	"1h": Rain volume for the last hour
  	"3h": Rain volume for the last 3 hours
  "snow": {
  	"1h": Snow volume for the last hour
  	"3h": Snow volume for the last 3 hours
  "dt": Time of data computation [unix, UTC]
  "sys": {
  	"type": Internal parameter
  	"id": Internal parameter
  	"message": Internal parameter
  	"country": Country Code
  	"sunrise": Sunrise time [unix, UTC]
  	"sunset": Sunset time [unix, UTC]
  "id": City ID
  "name": City Name
  "cod": Internal parameter

Temperature is available in Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin units.

  • For temperature in Fahrenheit use


  • For temperature in Celsius use


Temperature in Kelvin is used by default, no need to use units parameter in API call

  • List of all API parameters with units is avialable here

  • Syntax: api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/find?q=cityId&units=unitFormat&appid=appId

    • unitFormat = "imperial" or "metric"

HTTP Call to get data from OWM [The Atomic unit of the OWM API Call]

  • Data is sent using the POST method and data can be recieved using the GET method.

  • We are going to be using a GET request

  • Steps for an HTTP call for CasterBot:

    1. Make sure you have the request mosule installed through npm and included in the package.json file To install (and save to package.json) run the command below in the terminal (in the root diresctory of CasterBot)

      npm install request --save

    2. Import the request module where you want to make a call to an API

      let request = require('request');

    3. Set up the request function with a callback function:
      let request = require('request'); 	// Import request object
      // url needs to be parsed before passing through the function
      request(url, function(err, response, body) {
      	if(err){ 		// print error message if request returns an error
      	else {			// printing out the json response to the console

discord.io API Usage:

  • Installation:
    • In your terminal, navigate to the root directory of the repository and run the command:

npm install discord.io --save

  • Running:

     // Create the Discord object
     var Discord = require('discord.io');
     // Create the Bot object
     var Bot = new Discord.Client({
     	autorun: true,
     	token: "CasterBot-token"
     // Print message to console after Bot is "online" [Executing]
     Bot.on('ready', function(event){
     	console.log('Logged in as Bot:\n Username: %s - ID: %s', Bot.username, Bot.id);
     // After recieveing message Bot executes this function
     Bot.on('message', function(user, userID, channelID, message, event) {
     	if(message === "some-prompt") {
     		// Do Something: Most likely send a message or call some other fucntions etc.
     			to: channelID,
     			message: "some-message"
  • About the API:

    • Constructor:

      • 4 members:
        1. token : [Required] CasterBot account Token
        2. autorun: [Optional] if true then Bot connects automaically, else need to call Bot.connect(). Default value is false.
        3. messageCacheLimit : [Optional] number of messages to store in background. Range 0 [no Cache] to null [infintie cache].
        4. shard : [Optional] array of 2 numbers [shardID,# of shards].
       // EXAMPLE:
       new Discord.Client({
       	autorun: false,
       	messageCacheLimit: 50,
       	shard: [0, 2]
    • Properties: [non-method members]

      Property Type Description
      id String Client's iD as a string
      username String CLient's username
      email String Client's email
      discriminator 'Number' 4 digit number to differentiate users with the same username
      avatar String Clients avatar hash
      bot Boolean Indicates a bot or a user
      verified Boolean Discord verification state
      connected Boolean Connection status
      presenceStatus String "ofline", "idle" or "online"
    • Methods:

      Method Syntax Description
      sendMessage bot.sendMessage({opts}, callback); send a message to a channel or userID
      uploadFile bot.uploadFile({opts}, callback); Upload to a given channelID or UserID
      getMessage bot.getMessage({opts}, callback); get a message from a given channel
      getMessages bot.getMessages({opts}, callback); get an array of messages from given channel
      simulateTyping bot.simulateTyping(channelID, callback); Simulate the bot typing in the given channel
       // opts for sendMessage(): [callback is optional]
       	to : "channelID/User ID",
       	message : "some-message",
       	tts : "optional boolean - speak message by Discord or not",
       	typing : "optional boolean -typing or not typing",
       // opts for getMessage(): [callback is optional]
       	channelID: "channelID/UserID",
       	messageID: "messageID"
       // opts for getMessages(): [callback is optional]
       	channelID: "channelID/UserID",
       	before: "messageID" [OPTIONAL]
       	after: "messageID" [OPTIONAL],
       	limit: "some-number" [OPTIONAL - DEFAULT = 50; MAX = 100]
       // opts for uploadFile(): [callback is optional]
       	to: "channelID/UserID",
       	file: "filename/buffer",
       	filename: "name" [OPTIONAL]
       	message: "message along with file" [OPTIONAL]
    • Events:

      Event Syntax Description
      ready client.on('ready', function(event){// Do Something}); Signals library has connected, recieved and sorted all immediate data and is now ready
      message client.on('message', function(user, userID, channelID, message, event) {// Do something}); user: username, userID: userID, channelID: channelID, message: "message-recieved"
    • More on discord.io here

Documentation By :-