
Find the determinant of an NxN matrix using multithreading

Primary LanguageC

Find determinant

Find the determinant of the given NxN matrix, where N>2,using multithreading.

Compile find_det.c

gcc --std=c99 -Wall -g -Werror find_det.c -o find_det -lpthread



How to interact with the program

Running the program will first output the determinants for 2 examples. Then prompt the user to enter the size for a randomly generated NxN matrix.

alt text


The determinant of a matrix can be determined by calculating the determinant of its submatrices until N<=2. Divide the task of calculating the determinant of submatrices by creating multiple threads and joining the results at the end to compute the complete determinant.

Notes about the program:

_ The entries in the matrix are between -1000 and 1000. _ In general, N > 7 is not recommended. Since the OS probably deems too many threads are created, you will most likely see Segmentation fault and program quitting.