Weather Forecast Application - React.js This React.js application displays weather information for different cities, fulfilling the requirements outlined in the assignment document.

Key Features:

  1. Reusable Components: The application is built using modular components like CityName, CurrentWeather, ForecastCard, etc., promoting maintainability and code reuse.

  2. City Search: Users can search for weather data in various locations using a custom search bar with a dropdown modal. 5-Day Forecast: The current weather is complemented by a 5-day forecast, displaying day of the week, high/low temperatures, and weather icons.

  3. Temperature Unit Conversion: Users can switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit using a toggle button. The conversion logic is implemented manually.

  4. Data Fetching & Error Handling: Open-source APIs ( for city data and for weather data) are used with centralized API handling and error handling for network issues or city not found scenarios.

  5. UI & Responsiveness: Basic styles are included using CSS for a visually appealing interface. The application is responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and orientations.

Additional Implementations:

Debouncing: Input typing is debounced to optimize API calls and avoid unnecessary requests. API Retry: API requests implement retry logic in case of initial failures. Next.js Server Caching (Not Currently Deployed): While not deployed yet, Next.js server-side caching is implemented to improve performance by storing recent searches.

Usage Instructions: Install dependencies using npm install Run the development server using npm run dev