LogPoint Set-20 | Solution by @siddhantrimal


Use the table given below to explore the solutions easily. Click the #REF link to jump to solution.

Question-1 SQL
Question-2 .NET
Question-3 Theory: Test Cases
Question-4 Theory: Thought Project

Question no.1

  • Answer: The required SQL Query is as follows

        d.dep_Name AS Department,
        e.emp_Name AS Employee,
        e.emp_Salary AS Salary
    FROM Employee AS e 
    INNER JOIN Department AS d ON d.dep_Id=e.emp_DepartmentId
        SELECT null
        FROM Employee AS innere
        WHERE innere.emp_DepartmentId=e.emp_DepartmentId
        AND innere.emp_Salary>e.emp_Salary
    ORDER BY e.emp_DepartmentId;


    Fig: Output Screen "The Required SQL Query"

  • Technology/Software used:

    • MS SQL Server 2017/MS SQL Server Management Studio 2017
  • Showing my work

    • Database question01db was created first.

    • Then the Department table was created, according to hierarchial dependency.

      CREATE TABLE Department (
          dep_Id int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
          dep_Name varchar(100),
          PRIMARY KEY (dep_Id)

    • Likewise, now Employee table was also created. The field DepartmentId in Employee table is a Foreign Key; Hence, the reason to create this table later. (Alternatively, could have altered Employee table later)

      CREATE TABLE Employee (
          emp_Id int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
          emp_Name varchar(100),
          emp_Salary int,
          emp_DepartmentId int,
          PRIMARY KEY (emp_Id),
          FOREIGN KEY (emp_DepartmentId) REFERENCES Department(dep_Id)
    • Data Insertion

      • Scheme: Department table is first populated to reference in Employee table.
      INSERT INTO Department(
      • Verifying insertion:

      INSERT INTO Employee(
    • After all this, the query, from the answer above, was run.

  • Also available as a file


Question no.2

  • Answer: 232792560

  • Solved on .NET Framework Console in VS2017

    • Solution Available at Question02\Question02.sln
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace Question02
        class Program
            public const int upperrange = 20;
            static void Main(string[] args)
                bool flag = true;
                var i = 0;
                var testposnum = 1;
                while (1==1)
                    for (i = 1; i <= upperrange; i++)
                        if (i==testposnum) {
                        if (testposnum % i != 0) {
                            flag = false;
                        /*Uncomment the line below to see process*/
                        //Console.WriteLine("Check " + testposnum + " against (i=" + i + ") ->  flagState=" + flag);
                    if (!flag)
                        flag = true;
                    else {
                Console.WriteLine("The required answer is "+testposnum);
  • Output:

  • Also available as a file


Question no.3


    Title: Browse Button - validate opening .CSV file and reading content

    Test Case Id: 001

    Description: The user should be able to open and view their .CSV file

    Precondition: The user should be shown a browse dialog box that allows selection of .CSV files.

    Assumptions: a supported browser is being used, there are some .CSV files in the browse directory.

    Test Steps:

    1. Navigate to the button segment in the webpage or form
    2. Click on the button
    3. Select a .CSV file from the list
    4. Click Open

    Expected Result: The browse dialog should show files and after selection, a page or modal displaying the content of the .CSV file should open.

    Actual Result: The browse dialog shows all files. On selection of one of the .CSV files, a page displaying the content of the .CSV file opens. On selection of any other file-type, an error occurs.

    Pass/Fail: Fail

    Test Case Id: 002

    Description: The user should be able to open and view their .CSV file

    Precondition: The user should be shown a browse dialog box that only allows selection of .CSV files.

    Assumptions: a supported browser is being used, there are some .CSV files in the browse directory.

    Test Steps:

    1. Navigate to the button segment in the webpage or form
    2. Click on the button
    3. Select a file from a list of only .CSV files
    4. Click Open

    Expected Result: The browse dialog should only show .CSV files and after selection, a page or modal displaying the content of the file should open.

    Actual Result: The browse dialog shows only .CSV files. On selection of one of the files, a page displaying the content of the file opens.

    Pass/Fail: Pass

  • Also available as a file

Question no.4

  • Answer:

    Steve Banks defines startup as "a temporary organization used to search for a repeatable and scalable business model". According to this definition, it is clear as day that the Agile mode of development should be chosen for the SDLC.

    My plans would encompass the usual model of development wrapped around the scope of a T-shirt manufacturing company as follows:

    1. Elicitation
      • Meetup / JAD Sessions
      • Understanding Workflow
      • Mock Order
    2. Analysis
      • System Analysis
    3. Design
      • System Design
    4. Development
      • Coding
      • Testing
        • Pilot
        • Usability
    5. Deployment
    6. Maintainance

    The aforementioned project guideline will enable the project to complete in feasible time.

  • Also available as a file