
Covers an extensive range of ML topics I have worked on over the past few years.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Machine Learning Projects

A repository of various ML topics I have worked/working on for academic or research purposes.

More details and supplementary resources available inside the folders.

Table of Contents

1) Affective Computing and HRI

  • Multimodal Stress Recognition System.pdf
  • README.md

2) Algorithmic Trading with R

  • Risk-Return Metrics.Rmd
  • Querying yahoo API.Rmd
  • Data Acquisition.Rmd
  • Data Preparation.Rmd
  • Indicators.Rmd
  • Rule Sets.Rmd
  • High Performance Computing.Rmd
  • Simulation and Backtesting.Rmd
  • README.md

3) CUDA Programming

  • README.md

4) Computer Vision

  • OpenCV Tutorial
  • README.md

5) Deep Learning

  • Hands on Machine Learning
  • TensorFlow Practice
  • UCL Assignments
    • Training A Neural Network
    • Training NN Pytorch
    • Transfer Learning
      • CNN Amazon Deforestation.pdf
      • Instruction to run group project.pdf
  • Deep Learning Book.pdf
  • README.md

6) Graphical Models

  • Python BRML Toolbox
  • UCL Assignment
    • Junction Trree and Node Search Algorithm.m
    • Graphical Models Assignment2.pdf
  • UCL Lecture Notes
  • BRML David Barber.pdf
  • Belief Netowrks in Latex.pdf
  • GM and Variational Inference Jordan.pdf
  • README.md

7) Machine Learning with R

  • MLR Toolbox Library

    • Tasks.Rmd
    • Learners.Rmd
    • Training a Learner.Rmd
    • Predicting.Rmd
    • Resampling.Rmd
    • Tuning.Rmd
    • Benchmarking.Rmd
  • UCL Assignment

    • Aritificially Intelligent Wine Tasting Implementation
    • Assignment Outline.pdf
    • Write Up.pdf
  • README.md

8) Multi-Task Learning

  • Sluice Networks Master
  • Overview of Multi-Task Learning.pdf
  • README.md

9) Natural Language Processing

  • Biomedical Event Extractor.ipynb
  • Speech and Language Processing.pdf
  • README.md

10) Online Ensemble Models

  • R Implementation

    • Best Offline ARMA
    • Feature Selection Algos
    • Online ARMA Lag Experts
    • Online Lag + Non-Linear Experts
    • Online Non-Linear Experts
  • Predicting Commodity Futures Prices Using Online Learning.pdf

  • Prediction Learning and Games.pdf

  • README.md

11) Online Learning

  • Python Implementation

    • Baseline 1 - Sanity Check.ipynb
    • Baseline 2 - Slowly Moving Coefficients.ipynb
    • Baseline 3 - Abrupt Change.ipynb
    • Baseline 4 - Correlated Noise.ipynb
    • Experimental Result Stock Market.ipynb
    • Experimental Result Temperature.ipynb
    • Metal Aluminium Futures.ipynb
    • Metal Copper Future.ipynb
  • Introduction to Online Convex Optimization.pdf

  • Online Learning for Time Series.pdf

  • Predicting Commodity Futures Prices Using Online Learning.pdf

  • README.md

12) Reinforcement Learning

  • RL Sutton Book Code
  • TensorFlow OpenAI RL
  • TensorFlow RL Practice
  • README.md
  • Reinforcement Learning Richard Sutton.pdf

13) Self-Driving Car

  • Distance Detection
  • Object Detection
  • Trial Images
  • README.md

14) Supervised Learning

  • Model Validation Principles
  • Topic1 Linear Regression
  • Topic2 Logistic Regression
  • Topic3 Multiclass Classification and NN
  • Topic4 Neural Networks
  • Topic5 Regularized Linear Regression
  • Topic6 SVM
  • Topic7 KMeans and PCA
  • Topic8 Recommender System
  • README.md

15) Unsupervised Learning

  • Clustering

    • Exercises
    • Sample Codes for Clustering
      • Sample Code AHC.Rmd
      • Sample Code PAM.Rmd
      • Sample Dendrogram Visualization.Rmd
      • Sample Heatmap.Rmd
    • Cluster Analysis in R.pdf
  • UCL Assignments

    • Unsupervised Learning and K Means
    • Mixture of Gaussians
    • Autoencoders
  • README.md