- 5
Checkbox component
#12 opened by rubenmoya - 7
Toast component
#83 opened by rajat2502 - 3
- 0
Document how to add global styles
#37 opened by siddharthkp - 3
- 2
- 1
Failed to setup react-ui locally
#106 opened by anirudh-modi - 1
Slider component
#14 opened by rubenmoya - 12
Using multiple ThemeProvider with components prop at different levels can break the global theme of a website
#44 opened by sumdook - 1
core-concepts/tokens page is completely empty
#103 opened by jatins - 1
Migrating docs from client-side to server-side
#102 opened by Avi98 - 2
New Component : Badge
#99 opened by tanisha03 - 6
docs: title and meta tags for
#95 opened by mbj36 - 1
New component: Table
#97 opened by maraisr - 2
Docs issue on constraints based design page
#92 opened by anshuraj - 4
Persist theme in localstrorage
#91 opened by jsrikrishna11 - 2
Documentation Issue
#89 opened by jsrikrishna11 - 5
Convert to rems during render
#90 opened by siddharthkp - 2
- 2
Fix Stack specificity issues
#40 opened by siddharthkp - 1
Add a Radio Component
#82 opened by rajat2502 - 2
Create dev and production builds
#70 opened by siddharthkp - 6
Popup or Dialog component
#38 opened by loweisz - 3
- 1
- 3
Broken Images on Components page
#66 opened by iamdarshshah - 3
Radio component
#13 opened by rubenmoya - 3
- 2
Adding a create theme utility function
#59 opened by ankibalyan - 1
- 3
"Anonymous" components during development
#34 opened by rubenmoya - 1
No support for ref or forwardRef
#29 opened by neves - 0
Links to the theme pages are broken
#42 opened by sumdook - 4
Full width prop to the button
#31 opened by ankibalyan - 5
- 4
RTL support in <Stack/>
#20 opened by Andarist - 1
Codebase build/dev process is unclear
#22 opened by NateRadebaugh - 2
Contributing and Form.Field not working
#9 opened by botoxparty - 3
- 6
Demo theme switch
#3 opened by thewebsitedev